Diagnosed today

I was recalled after screening mammogram.  Had a more detailed mammogram and ultrasound.  It is cancer and a biopsy has been sent for staging. I am so scared, really scared.  I am a nurse but I am still so scared.  Just writing and knowing I’m not alone here has helped.

  • Hi there

    I'm sorry you are going through this but as you said, you are not alone. As a nurse you will know what to expect medically but emotionally it's a whole new ball game. I can't give any advice as I'm awaiting to be seen after discovering a puckering in my very small breast. I guess all I can say is take each day as it comes and reach out if you are struggling to cope. I'm sure plenty of people feel this way and talking to someone in the same situation can help. 

    I'm always here too xxc

  • Hi. Im sorry you got bad news and are feeling so scared. I was diagnosed yesterday too and am feeling the same. I'm also a nurse, I have been given a macmillan nurse as my contact throughout. I can't quite believe this is happening. 

    This will be a roller-coaster ride for us but we have to just take one day at a time and try to stay positive as best we can. 

    If you want to chat with me please message me.

    Take care, Tracy x

  • Thank you so much for your kind words.  It makes so much difference to the day to know others care because they really know what I’m going through.  

  • I posted how I felt last night because I saw your post.  Tried to send you a private message but don’t know how to add you as a friend x Trisha

  • Thank you Cat.  You are so right that I know what is ahead physically but not emotionally.  I think knowing there are friends here who give words of support really helps.


    Thank you for being there x Trisha

  • Hi petrgn 

    I a sorry you find yourself on here but you are amongst people who completely understand....funnily enough I settled down emotionally once my treatment plan was put in place and I saw it all in black and white...there are of course still loads of ups and downs ( we are only human after all) but I now see light at the end of a tunnel albeit a long way off yet! 

    Keep posting Hun, I gain a lot of comfort from this forum and I know you will too xxxxx

  • Hi [@petrgn]‍  I've sent you a friend request then we can chat more if you like xx Tracy xx

  • I can’t believe the difference a day makes.  A lot  of family support and talking.  The support in this site has been my strength.  I come here when I am feeling low and soon realise I am not alone.  

    I also have comfort in knowing Tracey has had the exact same journey, almost to the hour I would guess, as me.  My breast cancer was diagnosed on ultrasound as cancer. Biopsy sent to Oxford for staging.  I have appointment with Breast Surgeon 14th.

    Tracey and I both nurses and problem being know too much, which is scary, but not enough really to know we can beat this.    But we will. I know this because so much support here from people further along than us.

    Couldn’t have come so far in such a short time without this community.

    Trisha x



  • I am not sure I could have got through the last few days without the support I have found here.

    I hope everything goes well for you and just to say how kind you are to take time to post a reassuring message for me.

    I am also here for you at anytime.

    Thank you x

  • I had the diagnostic mammogram in the recall then went for ultrasound.  It was a Consultant Radiologist. He said it is cancer.  I guessed that as he was probing my lymph nodes with ultrasound.  He took biopsy and sample from axilla.  The Technician showed me both samples. Breast looked like a little white worm in the pot. Lymph sample was a dark red piece of tissue.

    What has worried me is they said my lymph nodes were only a bit more swollen than last screening mammogram.  Why would they have not told me the lymph nodes swollen?