dental treatment after chemo

I have just finished my chemo and waitint for my first radiotherepy appointment . I am not very patient , I had endiometrial cancer and had a radical hysterectomy in March . My Mum has the start of dementhia and is waiing to come and live with me .I have to have a root filling and was told no dental treatment during hemo , what I want to to know can you have treatment during radiotherephy . 


    Hi Rosie-L,

    My nemesis is breast cancer and I am not a medic, so I’m afraid that I cannot answer your question. Can I suggest that you post your question again in the ‘Ask the Nurses’ section of this forum? They should be better placed to answer your query.

    Please let us know how you get on, as I’m sure that many on this site are curious to hear the reply.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Why not contact your dentist? They will have other patients who will have been thro this? Your cancer nurse should be able to advise as well. Failing both of the above, the MacMillan site can be pretty good for this kind of thing. I guess the issue might be the amount of invasive treatment needed. As with chemo, there's a lot for a body to rebuild during and after rt. This might be quite a strain and more than your treatment team would want you doing unless there is the possibity of infection if it doesn't go ahead before the rt starts or very shortly after as you'll carry on 'cooking' for a couple of weeks post active trearment.
  • I had my first treatment, (chemo) on 14th Nov, low dose, once every 3 weeks, few days ago i got a bit of af an ache at the back right, top and bottom of my jaw, inside, i gargle with Corsodyl it  is helping   and i already have Longtech pain killers from before for hysterectomy which seem to help, would i have to go to the dentist?  I have my next chemo due on the  5th. Strange, if it is the chemo that it has taken this long to show.