Dense breast?

Hello everyone, 

I have been to Gp today as i was concerned that right breast feels slightly lumpier than other one. She checked and found nothing untoward in my armpit but did say that yes my right breast does feel denser, which has sent my nerves into overdrive. She has put me on a list for a two week wait for breast clinic but to be honest I am now completely beside myself. Has anyone else been told that they have a dense breast? I will say that I have been poking and prodding like no ones business for several weeks now so I could have made it worse myself. Please help me relax. Love to all x

  • Hi,


    I have the exact same issue with my left breast... I had a rash appear on my stomach that I was told was fungal, but its near my breast so thought I should check them for lumps..... I become concerned that my left breast was way lumpier and heavier than my right. 


    I went to the GP who said although she cant feel anything unusual it was deffo bigger and heavier and now I am waiting for breast clinic to call after an urgent referal...I am so scared and convinced myself I have cancer, its a very hard time