Dealing with lung cancer

My husband has just been diagnosed with inoperable Stage 4 lung cancer. His diagnosis came in Feb and so far he has had 2 radiation treatments and 1 chemo treatment. His chemo is 5 hours long and he feels great for the first 3 days, then things went downhill from there. He has a pluerex in to drain his lung, but often now they can't do it because he is not eating enough or drinking enough and that tanks his already low blood pressure. He knows it is the only way get through it as the drs have told him and the nurses. He still hardly eats. I am frustrated. I know he can't help it, but I also know it is his only way out of this for now. Not sure what to do, I am so tired of being a nag and even more tired of feeling like a babysitter. And I know that sounds petty and selfish considering what he is going through.

  • Hi - I hope your husband gets his appetite back soon and can eat and drink adequate amouts to help him get better. I have recently been diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 lung cancer - terrified I am - I start chemo next week and keeping my fingers crossed I can cope with it. 

    My husband is struggling to cope with it all and I think that is a common feeling - he is so scared - my 4 daughters are great and help all the time - it must be so hard for families to cope with and seeing their loved ones go through such a scary time. 

    I hope you are getting support from family and friends - thinking and praying for you and your husband. Take care of yourself as well.
