
hi my mum has just been diagnosed with lung/liver/breast n lymph cancer n its very aggressive,......gutted goes without saying ,how do i cope as well as help mum x

  • Hi Dawny, i'm awfully sorry to hear about your Mums news.  No one knows how we cope but i do think that somewhere inside us, we just do. There are no rights or wrongs on how we all do it and we all do it differently. Do you have other support, friends, family, collegues ?  Even people here can support you a little either with the practical side of things or the emotional side. There is also the  McMillan Nurses  who you can call and have a chat with if you think that would help. 

    All the best, and please take good care of yourself as well while all this is going on, sometimes it is easy to forget about you. 


  • yes lv got my kids n family ...mums goin to have chemo ...today at hospital i got lots of leaflets n things 

    cancer is so cruel ...just tryin to take it a day at a time lv im an only child so im 100% there for mum n then tryin to help dad cope n then answer questions my kids are askin....got it coming from all directions at minute x

  • It sounds like you have got your hands full Dawny. It can work 2 ways i suppose. 1 - you have so much going on what with your kids and other family that you don't get time to "think" about it all or 2 - you feel like you can't give your Mum more time but please don't ever think about number 2 because your Mum knows how much you love her and she also knows that you will do everything you possibly can for her and to be honest, from what i have read about Chemo, then the nurses and the rest of the team are invaluable to you so if anything is offered to you to make things easier then take it and even the simplest of questions you may have then i'm pretty sure they have the answer. 

    Your leaflets will help a lot with any questions you may have but this site has a wealth of knowledge, information and support too from real people who have been through it or are going through it, some who have even come out the other side so please stay in touch and let us know how things are going.

    I do think children are more resilient than we give them credit for and most likely they will process it in a different way than we do, sort of on a less attached or emotional level. I'm not saying they don't feel emotional or attached but it's just different some how.

    PJ :love: