Daughter has been diagnosed with immature germ cell ovarian

My youngest daughter has recently been diagnosed with germ cell ovarian tumour and has just had her 2nd round of chemo, then today I get a call from my other daughter hospital to say they have found something on her yearly MRI scan (she had brain tumours and would have been tumour free, for 3 years in feb) they have found a tumour on her pituitary gland....this news has totally floored me! How can 2 children in the same family have 3 diff cancers???? I really just can’t get my head around it....

  • Hi there 

    I am so sorry to hear about the diagnosis of both of your daughters. This news cannot be easy.

    I have a rare cancer but was previously diagnosed with a pituitary tumour which was non functional and benign. When cancer was later diagnosed elsewhere in the body there was a suspicion that it may be a genetic disorder- MENS. MENS can be present in more than one family member and increase the risk of having various types of tumours within the body.  I am sure your daughter’s consultants will look at possible genetic links and look at testing if required. 

    Having any type of tumour is upsetting but having another of a different type and then a sibling is another matter. The same has happened in my family in another close relative. 

    I found this site to be very helpful for those moments when your mind is working overtime and/or the stress becomes overwhelming.

    Please let us know how your daughters get on. Lots of hugs,
