Daily fever for weeks and blood results

For 6 weeks now I've had fatigue and daily low grade fevers, usually around 37.8, 37.9 or 38. Sometimes it's a bit lower in the day but I do have to take paracetamol to feel better. In addition neck glands have been up for 6 weeks. I've not had a cough or sore throat or lost weight. I had a complete blood count last week which showed I'm a bit anemic. The doctor says she's not sure why I'm having persistent low grade fevers and lethargy and said maybe she will refer me for a chest X-ray but she left the phone call without really much of a plan. I can't see why she'd mention a chest X-ray if my glands are up in my neck. This was a telephone call and I've not actually been examined. Since this is going on is it possible a cbc doesn't always detect cancer because my gp felt the blood result would have shown that. I'm at a loss what to think or do because it's been 6 weeks of this. Any ideas or anyone had symptoms like this before a diagnosis? 

  • Hi RLC,

    I'm sorry to read that you're struggling to find answers with this - I'm sure it must be unsettling and frustrating. Unfortunately I'm not sure of the answer to your question about the blood count. The only thing I can really suggest is to make an additional appointment with the doctor to get some answers and to discuss any concerns.

    If you'd like to speak to one of our nurses, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5. They may be better able to advise on your question about the blood count.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks Ben, I think I'll ask to talk to another GP. I'm still getting daily fevers, around 38, so as it's been so long I think I need more of a plan to rule things out. Thanks again. 

  • I am in the same position due to covid they are fobbing me off telling me it's a virus (likely flu- had flu (diagnosed in hospital) many time and definitely feels nowhere near) but I feel well in myself but I've had a daily temperature from 37.7-38.2 for 8 weeks (in 2 days- 53 days) and showing no signs of going but I feel like I'm fine in myself with no indication of why it's raised for so long! 
    Did you get anymore answers? X

  • Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish! I've had various tests and been diagnosed with covid last Thursday. I'm still (since around 14th March) getting daily temps and fatigue. Sometimes I get a better day but then I crash again. I've since had quite a few people tell me they've had exactly the same for a couple of months so I no longer think it is cancer and what I'm experiencing seems to be happening to quite a few people. I've never had anything like this and it feels like it will never go away. Today is my bday and I'm dosing up to get through it for my family. They're giving me a lovely day but covid is definitely taking it out of me! I hope you get some answers soon xx

  • Hi there i have had the same symptoms as most of you here and again doctor put it off due to covid 19 had two tests now one at home a few months back which was negative and one in hospital a few days ago also negative. I was in hospital because it has taken  so long to get answers so I took myself to A+E was given bloods which were fine ct scan from head to pelvis which found lymphnodes which I knew were up anyway there was nothing sinister on ct and lymphnodes were reactive so due to some sort of viral illness. Also had a heart echo which all came back normal. No thyroid problems so they sent me home. I'm at a total loss as to why I would be getting a fever for nearly four month's but there's no infection and nothing sinister going on 

  • Hi, sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish. It's now nearly four months for me of feeling unwell. I can tell you that I know several people who have been feeling unwell just like us. My GP told me last week he also has a few patients with the same symptoms. You can ask your GP for an antibody test. Mine gave me one last week and I'm not a key worker. They can use them at their discretion if their is a clinical reason to do so. But, my GP told me they are only 70% accurate. The covid test is also only mainly accurate in the first couple of weeks of becoming ill. It's being recognised around the world that covid can cause long term symptoms such as fatigue, fever etc and that the symptom can go for a few days and then come back. That's happened a few times to me. The last week I've not had a fever but I'm still getting fatigue. I'm hoping this time the fever will stay away. I've had xrays too and nothing sinister. I hope you feel better soon. 

  • Thanks so much I have an outpatient appointment with General medicine that was booked for me then cancelled then re booked hence why I took myself to hospital. Yea been the same with fatigue just get really tired really quickly. I'm also getting a noisy tummy and changes in bowel consistency which is on and off also had a bit of a cough too which started about a week ago another reason I took myself to hospital. My gp has basically told me the whole way through what do you want me to do which I've been frustrated about and I'm just at such a loss with it all... i generally don't feel unwell or anything at all just the fever and fatigue. I'm worried as I'm due to be called back to work soon and I can't afford to stay off on ssp but are people gonna look at me weird if I'm in work with a fever and am I okay to go back as had negative test. Nice to have someone to talk to about things do you get any other weird symptoms at all or ? xx 

  • Im really lucky in that I work with my husband. We're self employed and he's taken on the bulk of the work as I just haven't been able to do it, especially as I have been helping our 7 year old with school work. I've got through the last few months having to take paracetamol most days. I've also suffered from regular headaches, nausea at times, occasional shortness of breath (but I'm asthmatic). Mainly it's been fever and fatigue. I honestly thought I was seriously ill. I know around 4 people with the same symptoms. And as I said my GP told me he has others like me too. The hospital one month ago told me what I'm experiencing is becoming increasingly known to be covid. I've read quite a few articles on this too. Ask your GP for an antibody test though bear in mind it's 70% accurate. Hopefully if it tests positive you can show your work. Otherwise, if you really need to go back can you ask your GP for a note to say you've had all the tests etc? Or can you just dose up on meds? I'm really sorry you're in this situation. It's the most horrible virus that zaps so much energy up.  

  • It's awful isn't it I'm really sorry were both having to go through this :(  yea I was getting quite a bit of nausea and a loss of appetite which I'm still not eating right I'm just gonna have to go back as I am currently on furlough but when they call me back be ssp if still unwell. I'm really glad we both have nothing sinister going on and my heart goes out to people who are going through anything in this pandemic... thanks so much for replying it means a lot to see that it's not just me having these symptoms for so long and I hope they pass for us both. Weird aswell that the hospital's equipment was not picking up any fever although my partner is a nurse and he said the inner ear thermometers are extremely inaccurate. I really do hope you feel better soon and if you ever have a bad day and want to talk I'm here always xx 

  • Good to hear your partner is a nurse so he can have an understanding for you. My temp when up is around 38

    or slightly over and doesn't always respond to paracetamol. I have an ear thermometer and I was beginning to think it must be broken as my temp was so persistently raised. I then took to taking family member's temps to compare and sure enough theirs was normal. Sometimes I've had medics not always put a thermometer properly in my ear so I think maybe that's why they haven't detected a temp for you. Mine was detected when assessed but it was put in properly this time. I console myself with the fact that I'm glad I've had covid and not been seriously ill with it. I'm hoping this means I won't get it again, or if I do, that it won't be as bad. I know they don't know enough yet about reinfections, but for now that's my hope. It really is a horrible virus and at times I feel people must think I'm a hypochondriac as things have gone on so long. Know that you're not alone and fortunately our symptoms are being recognised, at least by the medical profession. Here to talk if you want x