Dad with AML but no treatment

My Dad is 77 and recently diagnosed with AML,  BUT RECIEVING NO

NO TREATMENT,  REALLY CONFUSED , went into hospital with sepsis,  found a 4.9cm anourism during a scan, and now we are told he has AML, being sent out into a nursing home no treatment, struggling to understand the outcomes, h

Mum struggled to get acces to respect from, reluctant to let her see it, even though she has power of attorney, would not let her have a copy.

No one has really explained, likely outcomes, seems the only real aim was to free the bed and get him into a nursing home 


My mum has been refused continual healthcare funding because he does not meet the criteria he has had a stroke, limited mobility, can't talk can't prepare his own medication, can't prepare his own metals, can't bath himself, loss of one side due to stroke, my mum has cared for him at home for 13 years without help and is now struggling,


We need help to process and understand

  • Hello Alan1961,

    I'm sorry to hear about your dad being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia. I would speak to his medical team their reasons for not giving treatment. I know you said no one has explained much, but I'm sure if you talked through your concerns they'll be able to make things clearer. You can also speak to them about other options for support in your area. There is more information on this here. If you wish to speak to someone we have a nurse helpline which you can call for free on 0808 800 4040, lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

    I hope this help,

    Moderator Anastasia