Dad has stomach cancer

My dad has been loosing weight and feeling very poorly for months now. On Thursday after an endoscopy they discovered a large tumour at the top neck of the stomach. He had an mri a couple of weeks ago and nothing showed up .. I don’t understand why nothing was spotted at that stage? He is having s CT scan on Monday prior to the multidisciplinary meeting on Friday where they will decide on a course of action.

He is 76 and has chronic osteoporosis. We are desperate to find out what our options .. waiting another week seems so long... any advice would be greatly appreciated 


  • Hi Roxi,

    So sorry to read about your Dad's situation. 
    I wish I could answer your questions but I'm just another cancer patient and not a doctor or anything.

    Sometimes things are missed when interpreting an MRI, for a variety of reasons, though it is unusual.

    Everyone who has been through the stress of a cancer diagnosis will tell you that waiting for results seems endless and is one of the worst parts of the experience. 

    When the results of my own first CT scan came through I was referred by my upper GI consultant to an Oncology consultant. In the first appointment with the Oncologist we discussed the outcome of the MDT meeting and then discussed my treatment options. In my case, I started chemo the following week - radio therapy and surgery were unfortunately not options for me and my HER2 test showed I was also unsuitable for Herceptin. 

    Good luck

  • Hello

    my husband was misdiagnosed after numerous tests and cans. He finally got re diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. Terminal. He’s now passed away. 44 yrs old