Dad has advanced pancreatic cancer - struggling

My dad has stage 4 inoperable pancreatic cancer it also spread to his liver he been given no more than a year to live but consultant thinks dad has less as he already really frail I'm utterly devastated my dad only 64 I just can't get my head around it anyone else been through this horrid cancer 

  • I'm so sorry to read you are going through this, it is an horrendous disease that changes peoples lives in the blink of an eye. 

    There isn't much I can say other than that you aren't alone and it's minimal comfort but during my experience I take every little bit of comfort I can get and I found comfort in people just reading what I had to say and responding with their experiences. 

    Unfortunately I know this cancer very well. Back in 2015 I lost my grandad (my mums dad) when he was only 74 to pancreatic cancer. This spread to his liver and lungs and he fought the cancer hard for almost 2 years from diagnosis in 2013. He'd had a few issues with his gastro system over the years though and we just thought he was terribly unlucky.

    However, on the 18th feb this year, my mum admitted herself to hospital with severe pain coming from the liver area. By the 3rd of March she was sent home on end of life care and we lost her on 10th March. The cause was pancreatic cancer with liver mets. It was liver failure that ultimately ended her life. Almost a repeat of my grandad, however my mum was only 54 who was full of life only a few weeks prior to being released on end of life care. We have her funeral next week.

    It's the hardest thing I've ever been through, numb, shock, a daze, sadness, anger, all of the expected emotions.

    The scary thing is,  I'm now worried there's a trend in the family and I'm being referred for gentic testing. 

    Pancreatic cancer is the devil and I won't sugarcoat it.

    But I just wanted to share my experience and the scenario is much more common than you'd believe.

    Please use this forum and reach out with as many thoughts or questions you have, it's helped me.

    I wish you and your dad all the best.