Dad dying with cancer 11 /8/19

Hi there, my dad live and worked as a teacher in Thailand for 15+ years but came back every year.. we finally got him to come home in january this year, ever since he came back he was feeling I'll some weeks and lost over 8 stone. He was going back and forth to doctors and all they gave him was antibiotics or pain meds.. he finally got to have a full body scan end of June this year and was awaiting results . On 3rd July this year he fell out the bath and broke his leg and had to go into hospital. Me and my 2 brothers rushed to him only to be given the worst news in the world. He had a tumour in his kidneys and it had spread to his lungs and bones, the consultant told us they dont think he will leave the hospital. 

The next day they operated on his leg and managed to pull through. He was a fighter and next day he was up out of bed on a Zimmer frame... . He spent the next 3 weeks in and out of severe pain were he got it under control until he caught a throat infection and doctors told us more bad news that his body is shutting down and you are looking at the final few hours of your dads life. All his family who loved him so much rushed to be at his side as he took his last breath and passed away. 

We was all in total shock the first couple of days but now the grief is far worse. His death has led me to have severe anxiety and depression about life and were he is now ? Is he in heaven? Is he just in a big deep sleep and total blackout. Or is he born again in another life. ? I really wish he would give us a message or signal that he is fine then I can find peice and will see him again. 

I am a catholic and was brought up to believe in heaven , jesus etc ! I'm losing hope each day now that there is such a place. 

  • Hi Andy,


    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad.its so awful losing a parent and I can totally relate to all the questions you are asking.

    My mum was so apparently fit and healthy so we were on shock when age suffered a mini stroke on the end june. However her symptoms were minimal and she was doing really well texting us from the hospital ward telling us who was snoring and keeping her awake. She was discharged from hospital on the 7th june and on high strength aspirin to break down the blood clot.

    We didn't think too much of it, mum was still cracking jokes and we were saying that we would laugh about this little hiccup in weeks to come.

    However just 6 days after leaving hospital mum suffered a major brain haemorrhage and never regained consciousness.she died on the 14th june, her and my dads 50th wedding anniversary. Dad had died suddenly 20 years earlier.

    I have been left with a black hole I cant begin to describe in my life. Where has my mum gone? Can she see me? If she exists someplace why hasnt she contacted me?

    I state at her carton of ashes in disbelief. How can my full of life mum be reduced to a couple of kilos of ashes?

    I dont think I will ever adjust to my loss and when I find posts like yours asking similar sorts of questions, I feel compelled to respond.

    Thinking of you at this time. Its certainly a game changer, that's for sure x

  • So many spelling mistakes on this website...I'm sure you get the gist of what I'm saying. Must check my posts more carefully...