Dad dying of lung cancer


this is really the first time I have posted on a forum before but have always used them for advice on everything. I suppose I'm posting now because I don't know what else to do or where to turn. So here's my essay...

I'm a 26 year old mum of a lovely one year old son, a wife to a great husband and an only child to fantastic parents.I have just gone back to work in January after maternity leave so am re-learning work and the juggling of home life (baby, husband, housework, finances etc). 

My dad was diagnosed a couple of years back with bowel cancer and after having his bowel removed he has now been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. He has had all the chemo he could have and is even on a trial drug but things have started to rapidly decline. He has had multiple fractured ribs from constant coughing I think and has a partial collapsed lung, pleurisy, influenza type b and severe breathlessness even on oxygen. They are now look/will take him off the trial drug due to how ill he has become with all the above so i feel we have now lost the last shread of hope, as small as it was. 

I feel like I've been so strong for so long with it all. I break each time something happens or I see him and can see he's worse than the last time I saw him but after, what I try to make very few private tears, I then suppress it all and don't talk much about how I feel because I have a dad, a mum and a son to be strong for. When I do talk about it, it's very pragmatic and factual, almost sounding cold but it's the only way I feel I have gotten this far without having a major breakdown. 

My grandma/dads mum passed away yesterday and now I feel like I'm about to completely fall apart. I want to grieve the lost of such an amazing lady but I know if I let myself think about it, it opens up some very large floodgates! 

Straight away I think about how my dad must be feeling about loosing her on top of everything that he's going though and how it must make him think even more about the inevitable. I think about how he must feel about leaving us, what happens to him next, what will the end be like, how long he will have left with us etc and it scares me that all this will be running though his mind and he's not the kind of person that would talk about it, which is where I probably get my coping mechanisms from. 

Second, I think about my one year old son. We decided to try for a baby around our wedding day as earlier that year he had been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and I wanted more than anything for my dad to meet his grandson. But now all I think about when I look at my son is how he will never really know the amazing man his grandad is. I was lucky to have had all my grandparents in my life up until my grandma being the last of them to pass on. It's one thing to show videos and photos and tell stories but I know it is in no way the same! There will be no taking him to football for the first time or picking him up from school and going to the sweet shop cheekily on the way home. It will all be tales of who he was and what our memories were, there will be none of his own. And then looking at it from my dads view, all the things he will miss and can't do now with him because he is to ill.

Third, my mum! Being an only child, the 3 of us are so close and my mum is everything to me! I know how much she is struggling with things as she is his carer day in day out. She now deals with the finances, housework, pets and looks after her grandson two days a week when she can. Went we 1st found out my dad had cancer, she didn't open up to me at all as she felt the need to protect me but all I did was then worry about her with was help for either of us. Now she is an open book with me which is great as I know she will tell me when she is feeling low and keeps me fully up to date on what is happening with dad/treatment/doctors etc. She has just started taking saint johns watt as she wasn't coping with it all and it's started to help. I'm worried about how she will be after and have already agreed with my husband that we are moving in for a couple of weeks for group support, distractions and mainly because I don't want her to go back to an empty house and/or shut me out again because she feels she has to be strong for me. I think it will help us being together and we can all chip in with the housework etc. 

Forth, I know my husband wants me to open up and have a good cry to try and help me deal with it all but I know if I do, I won't be able to stop all of the emotions that will come flooding out of me and I fear I won't be able to stop crying, I won't want to get up in the mornings or won't be able to sleep at night. Basically, I will loose myself to grief before i've even lost my dad. I can't these days even say the word 'Home' without my voice cracking. I dread leaving work to go home. Not because of my son or my wonderful husband but because my main distraction ends and my journey home and being at home give my brain the chance to throw in some of these thoughts mentioned into my head and it's then the battle not think about it. My husband is so great though! He's not trying to force it out of me, he helps out with everything to lighten the home life load as much as possible and puts up with me when I'm not even able to chat or crack a smile. The thing is, he's going though it to. It may now be his dad but I know he thinks of him that way as does my dad about him. So when does he get to cry or talk about it. I know he is the one I should be saying all this to but I start crying before I can even get a sentence out. And I think, do I want to tell him everything I'm thinking? I don't want to put more weight and worry on his shoulders. He's always said how proud he is of how strong I am but right now all of my strength has nearly gone and I'm not sure I can mentally, physically and emotionally hold on till my dad passes. 

I suppose to sum up this essay, I would appreciate any help or advice on one issue or as may as you can help with.

Lots of love,

Amy xx

  • Hay there Amy...welcome ..... oh my... bless ya, where to start ... well I'll do my best so bear with me ...

    Firstly your being so strong for everyone, and what that does is ... like you have a cupboard in your head where you put those feelings ... and that's fine for awhile until one day you go to put another emotion in there, and everything is so rammed in , it all falls out and that's when people have mental breakdowns. . Now I think I'm a pretty tough cookie , but when I feel it's a tad overwhelming , I take myself in spare room and have a melt down , on my own where I cry till the tears are all out .. May take a whole day .. but next day I'm ready to get on this rollercoaster journey wer all on .. get my boxing gloves back on and get ready for the next round ...

    Second... you said your mum was being strong but can share thoughts ... you said your amazing hubby is trying to be strong for you ... it seems like so is your daddy ... so I'm thinking , your all fit to burst with being strong for each other ...  now I used to be like that, thinking I could take everyone's pain and keep it all together ... how wrong I was ... I've learned to share with all those l love ... my son was panicked at first ... but we talked and listened to all our fears... we all shared tears, hugs, and the love I received was massive ... and in sharing tears we came together to walk this journey together , all on the same path .. all not being afraid to admit wer scared too ... 

    Thirdly ... I had a grade 3 her 2 breast cancer ... my cousin died of lung cancer last November. . My sister is in the late stages of dementure .. my untie has just had her mastectomy a month ago and is now on radio therapy ... I'm 9 months post mastectomy... well if I sit and think of the hole picture,  I'd sink .. I'd never stop crying ... so now I live in the day ... I'm here today .. my sister's here today ... my untie doing so well .. and I'm still standing ... I stopped looking ahead .. no more "what ifs" every problem and every day we deal with it as and when ... and if I feel like crying, i cry, some days when I look after my granddaughter Emily (pictured) we laugh non stop ... 

    Forth ... my mum died suddenly when I was 36 .. she phoned one Monday morning to say she'd be up mine tomorrow. . There was no tomorrow , at 5.20 that afternoon she had a massive heart attack... I would give anything to have just one day, one hour with her ... you can still do that, don't think of loosing your dad, just take every day as a gift ... hug, him, leave nothing unsaid, share tears with him ... and hold on to every minute .. and in sharing, you'll release a pressure that's holding you on your own trying to cope ... reach out brave lady ... let it out ... and wer always here for you ... bet you felt a tad better just writhing it all down ... sending you a big hug Chrissie x

  • Hello Amy, 

    Very sorry about your dear Dads journey with cancer. You seem to be doing so wonderfully with trying to keep on top of everything that you have going on and being such a great support network for both parents. Just remember you're only human and you have to be kind to yourself and allow yourself the time to 'feel and 'think.' If you're worried about how your husband is coping with it all too then maybe sit down with him and have a little chat so it gives him the chance to say how he feels. If he's anything like my partner then he probably won't want to lean on you with his feelings and instead wants to be the strong one 'Your rock' through one of the toughest times in your life. 

    Our stories are a little similar actually. My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 incurable bowel cancer back in April 2015. When he found out his diagnosis it was too late as it had already spread to his lungs and liver so 'palliative' chemotherapy was the only treatment they could give him to prolong his life. I was 26 at the time with an 18 month old boy. 

    Fast forward to April 2017, two years from diagnosis. We then found out dad's cancer had spread to his brain. They don't check the brain during CT scans so this area hadn't been checked. It was only after my Dad started behaving oddly and forgetting things that my mum knew something was wrong and took him straight to the hospital. My mum suspected it could be a stroke. But no it was the cancer on my dad's brain. Nothing could be done for my Dad and he was classed as terminal in May. My Dad died on 23rd August. We waited for him to die for 3 months. Watching him deteoriate day after day and bed ridden. My last conversation with my Dad was 4 months before he died because his brain would not allow him to even talk properly. So here I am at just 29 years old with a little 4 year old boy and no dad. I have a mum and two siblings. It's extremely hard facing a future with no Dad in it, thinking about how my son like yours won't have proper memories only some videos and pictures. It makes me so sad that he was robbed of watching his grandson grow up. It is hard but somehow you do get on with life, it's a pain that you just get used to. It's a heavy feeling that you carry close to your heart. I'm only 7 months on from losing my Dad so it is still early days. If you ever do fancy a chat, some support etc feel free to message me. 

    Big hugs xx 

  • Hello Amy I can relate to your post so well. Lost my dad this year January 2018, diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer which had then spread to the brain and liver. We had diagnosis in October 2017 was such a fast track experience he was admitted initially with breathing issues which it was then discovered he had fluid on the lungs. December 2017 admitted again this time found to have pneumonia and this is when deterioration began. Wasn't able to have treatment at all. Remained in hospital for just over three weeks in this time had llost ability to mobilise memory became poor lost control bladder/ bowels. Able to come home on 30th of December and does exactly a week later, he did however say few days before the day and time he would go. Each individual is different and timescales can vary but just be strong and do whatever you can for your dad spend as much time as you can. I like you, stayed strong all the way through but know things have slowed down I have days where I become very down. I also have young children but they are my strength and remember things happen for a reason your child was put in your life for this very reason. Hold that strength and you will get through this. Thanks I hope it helped