Dad dying

My dad has lung cancer, had treatment which has shrunk the tumour but found out the other day it has spread to his brain, I am devastated, I have so much going on that I think the last couple of days it has hit me, what am I goi g to do? I am trying to be strong for others but now I am struggling

  • Hi my mum had sclc that spread  to her brain she was only 60yrs old.mum was diagnosed in February 2018 and passed away in August 2018 im still deverstated I wish you and your family well and your dad all the best cancer has to be the worst disease there is.

  • Hi [@Joanne88]‍ I'm so sorry you received such bad news :/ 
    It is very normal that you feel devastated and disoriented. Several people go through this, you can find some here in the forum. I myself am dealing with my boyfriend's stage 4 colon cancer.
    it is very difficult to give advice because little can comfort us in situations like this. It's important that you talk, either with friends, family, a counsellor, and/or here in the forum. It's important that you also receive support because cancer also brings down the loved ones of the patients. Please try to distract yourself so you don't suffer so much, but at the same time, you have to be there for your dad... 
    I know is very hard, but you will get through this. 

    Take care*

  • hello 

    i lost my dad in December .. and i felt i had to be strong for everyone when all i wanted to do was curl up in a ball and ignore the world, but sadly life carries on .. all i can say is spend as much time with your dad because when hes gone you will just have that 5 extra mins.. 

    ive not grieved for my dad yet i think im still too numb, but id give my right hand just to say i love you dad and ask him if he is ok now 


    L x 

  • I’m so sorry to hear that Joanne. My Dad is also terminal, albeit it’s just a matter of days now really, and to be honest I’m hoping it’s ASAP for him.

    All you can do is be there, make the most of what time you may have left and enjoy happy memories and times. It is hard,  very hard, and try to take some time out for yourself for some me time, it’s important and helps you to bounce back a bit and put a brave face on etc..

    take care x

  • Hi thank you for your replies, it means a lot to me as I am feels g this low x