Dad diagnosed with NSCLC and now Mum suddenly died

I posted a couple of weeks ago as I was worried about taking my dad for this first chemo session. Since then we have had the most terrible time. My mother took ill last wednesday with acute stomach pains, low blood pressure and excessive sweating and was taken into hopsital late in the evening. I got a call from the hospital in the early hours of Thursday saying mum was very poorly and that relatives needed to go to hospital. When we arrived we were told mum had a huge tumour in her colon and that there were multiple tumours in her abdomen and liver. The tumour in her colon had perforated her bowel and we were told threre was nothing they could do other than makke her comfortable. Mum peacefully passed away just after midnight on Sautday morning. She was so brave and I am grateful for all the things we were able to say before her passing. It has obviously hit us all hard but particulary my dad. They had been divorced for years but there was always a closeness and affection between them, which was very apparent when my dad visited her on the Friday. He missed the second half of his first cycle of chemo and is due to go for the second cycle next week, The stress of all that is going on has caused him to get short of breath and chest pains. I am so worried for his mental health too given that his prognosis is 6 - 12 months. He seemed positive and determined to fight it before but I fear he is just giving up. Life seemed painful enough and I was just getting my head around dad's diagnosis but can't get my head around the fact we are now going to loose bith our parents this year. Sorry for long post but just needed to get it out and ask for any advise re my dad and how on earth I am going to get through this year! x


  • Hello Angelflowers,

    After reading your post I just wanted to stop by and say that I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. On behalf of everyone here at Cancer Chat, I offer you our sincere condolences.

    There's a page on our website I'm including in this message that talks about coping with grief and when you feel ready for it you might want to have a look, to read more please click here.

    Stay strong, Angelflowers.

    Warm wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator