Dad been diagnosed with terminal cancer

Hi everyone,

On Friday we received news that my step father has Prostate cancer which has spread thru his bones and lymph nodes. This man has been like a father to me for 20 years, my mum's husband. I have been an emotional wreck since. He's been a rock in our family and I'm very scared on what the future holds .



  • Hello Christine and welcome.  It is totally normal to be distraught when you learn a loved one has got cancer.  How could it be anything else?     As well as it being someone you love, you have the fear of the unknown territory into which you have been thrown.  Ask the doctors about the questions you need answered and try to work together as a family  - sometimes individual family members react in different ways to this news.   Once you have got the full picture of what will be happening you at least have one less thing to worry about.    Life is horrible sometimes.  Let us know how things are going and I hope others who are in similar situations will come and chat with you also.  Best wishes.  Annie