Cyst aspiration not long after breast cancer all-clear

I had a mammogram and ultrasound this week as a check-up after finishing radiotherapy and being given the all-clear in March. The ultrasound showed what looked like a cyst, and the doctor aspirated it. She decided to send the liquid off for testing as it was dark reddish/brown, and not the straw colour cysts usually are, just to be on the safe side. I've just looked at my NHS App account (I know, probably shouldn't keep checking this as I just end up scaring myself!), and it says 'Aspiration of lesion of breast'. So now I'm a little worried that it was more than a cyst? Is a lesion roughly the same as a cyst? They're going to ring me in a couple of weeks with the results, but just thought I'd check on here if anyone has any thoughts.

*forgot to say, the cyst/lesion was in exactly the same place the tumour was.

  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to hear you were treated not that long ago for breast cancer. I imagine this is a worrying time for you as you wait to find out what this cyst or lesion in your breast might be.

    I think it is fair to say that anything found in the body that looks unusual is documented as a lesion until the cause is confirmed. Simple cysts are usually fluid filled which is probably why the doctor mentioned that word to you during your tests because of its appearance.

    Try not to over think things too much until you have the results and know exactly what this is and what may or may not need to happen next.

    Do get back in touch if you need to or alternatively give us a call on 0808 800 4040 mon-fri 9-5.

    All the best
