Cyst after hysterectomy

I wonder if anyone else has had experience similar to me. 5 years ago following very heavy bleeding I ended up in A & E and admitted to gynae ward. 2 weeks later I was telephoned in the morning and asked to attend a hysteroscopy appointment that afternoon. The consultant told me that what he could see looked very like cancer and I was told I needed an urgent hysterectomy. Incredibly when the histology came back after the hysterectomy I was told there was nothing sinister and no cancer was found. They left my ovaries and Fallopian tubes. 
Then a couple of years later I have a CT scan due to stomach pain and it identified an ovarian cyst about 5cm. Again I was referred to gynae and they requested firstly an ultrasound and then an MRI and eventually advised me that I had a hydrosalpinx (fluid in the Fallopian tube). I was advised by the consultant that no treatment was required and over the next couple of years this hydrosalpinx size was monitored until eighteen months ago when it virtually disappeared altogether. 
4 weeks ago I was sent for an ultrasound scan completely out of the blue and the results came back immediately. This time the sonography has identified what could be a complex cyst and she did not feel that what she saw was a hydrosalpinx. The mass she could see was now 6cm and she described it as tortuous and cystic. Fast track to gynae and I was seen on Saturday by a consultant who advised me that it needs to be removed along with Fallopian tubes and both ovaries. Once removed it will be sent for analysis and histology. 
As you can probably imagine my mind is racing and I've convinced myself that I am riddled with cancer. I have been experiencing severe bloating for years and have on going stomach problems with inflammation in my stomach  and no explanation following a recent endoscopy. Has anyone else experienced anything similar as I would love to hear from you and how it all turned out

  • I have had ovarian cysts found during a colonoscopy they were 6cm and 4cm complex and solid, after the scans ect my surgeon listed me for excision of cysts and Fallopian tubes. They were removed 8 weeks later, it took hours as l had extensive adhesions from previous surgery, the surgeon did say pre op it might be a bit stuck down in there!!!  Fortunately she was an oncology surgeon and used to difficult surgery she said other surgeons would have bailed out and left them in situ. 

    l hope you have an easy operation and they pop out, l had expected day surgery but couldn't go home for 5 days. 

    The biopsies were all benign my surgeon told me at my follow up appointment. I'm relieved that they have been removed and can't cause other problems. 
    Take care l hope it's all over soon waiting for anything is not easy. I would ignore Google as they only give worst case not the ones like me that are fine. 

  • Thank you so much for your response. I have also been told that the surgery could be difficult as like you I have had several surgeries and have lots of scar tissue. I have agreed that if they are unable to do it laparoscopically they can open me up and I suspect that could be the case. I am post menopausal aged 57 and the consultant said it was unusual for a woman of my age to experience these sort of ongoing problems with my ovaries and Fallopian tubes as they should be pretty much obsolete by this time in my life! 
    I also had a colonoscopy a couple of years ago as I alternate from diarrhoea to constipation. After an extremely painful colonoscopy (couldn't get the camera past the bends in my bowel) I was told they could see nothing. It was suggested to me then that scar tissue and ovarian cysts could be the reason why the camera couldn't easily pass around the bends??

    thanks again for your response xx