Ct scan results

 Good morning, what good morning from me as I am in the USA   

 Yesterday I went to see the surgeon and got my results for my CAT scan very happy to report that it came back clear so no masses anywhere else . Now waiting for surgery date which will be in about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. Talk to surgeon about reconstruction at the same time but the plastic surgeon does not operate on the hospital he does under my insurance  now waiting for surgery date which it’ll be in about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks.  However my breast nurse said to make sure that’s what I want to do as  most of the time radiation changes your breast and anyway you may need a second surgery and waiting for the plastic surgeon may  delay my surgery which I don’t want to do. So I think I’m going to have the lumpectomy first when everything is clear and I’m going to have the reconstruction.  What do You all think? 





  • Hi there Liliana,

    Glad to hear your update :)

    If they are now happy doing lumpectomy rather than mastectomy (which I think is what you were told due to the size compared to your cup size if I remember right?) then I don't see why you shouldn't go for it.  A mastectomy would give slightly more protection against future recurrence but possibly not enough to make it worthwhile.

    With how radiotherapy works it would make sense that it would change the shape of your breast as the semispherical shape makes it impossible to get even coverage of radiation across the whole breast. I guess if you're happy with it you might as well wait to see how the breast looks and then decide how to proceed.

    So pleased that it's all sounding less scary than before.
