CT Scan after endoscopy

Hello, why have I been called for a CT scan a week after endoscopy. No results yet 

  • Hi. It's usually because they have want to look at an area in more detail. An endoscopy just shows the lining of the first parts of your digestive system so doesn't show structures etc. I've had 3 endoscopies - they're awful! A follow up scan etc doesn't necessarily mean there's anything seriously wrong x

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    I'm not completely sure why you have been called for a CT scan a week following your endoscopy as I'm not involved in your clinical care.Your GP or the hospital should be able to clarify this for you.

    Most of the time a CT scan is done to take a closer look at a particular area in more detail.

    I hope you know more about your situation soon.

    Kind regards,
