Ct results

hi had ct today on urinart tract nothing was said after ?? The receptionist said they go back to  who refer you . should hear 7-10 days so if was bad news would I hear sooner ? As it’s the weekend now to so they won’t see results. Any info on results time be appreciated 

  • Hi Shakirra.

    It is normal for CT and MRI operators to say nothing and pass no comment on what they've seen on the screen.  The operator's job is to get the best possible images and they receive extensive theoretical and practical training to be able to do that - however, they're not qualified to interpret and make diagnoses from those images. That has to be done by a qualified radiologist.  So, when you go for a scan, it's best to ask no questions of the operator, and don't expect any feedback. So, hearing nothing at the time is normal and you can't read anything into it. 

    The images will be examined by one or more qualified radiologists, who will write a report on what they've seen, and pass the images and report back to the doctor who originated the CT referral.

    There is a lot of speculation about whether or not you might get an early phone call or letter telling you good (or bad) news. I can't say this doesn't happen, but it seems to be very unusual. It appears that most consultants prefer you give you the news, good or bad, in a face to face consultation. I think there are several reasons for this, not least that appointment times are probably organised before the results are ready, but also because you still have the symptoms that got you referred in the first place; cancer might have been ruled out, but you still need to know what the actual diagnosis is, what treatment might be necessary, etc. 

    So, I'm sorry to say you have to sweat on the results - as most of us have done here at some time. It's horrible not knowing what's going to happen, but we're here to offer support. 

  • No I knew they wouldn't say anything about what they see I just didn't know what happens next with results etc I meant a letter giving me another appointment I kniw they don't tell your results in letters well hopefully I will hear soon 

  • Last year I had an MRI scan as part of an "urgent" referral to the ENT department.  The MRI was about 10 days after my first appointment, and the letter sent by ENT for my follow up appointment arrived at my home while I was actually having the MRI. It was for a date just under a week later.  I think that this is the fastest turnaround that could be expected; however, reading other accounts posted on this site, some people have waited far longer. I think it just depends on local conditions in your area. I do know that in many areas, the turnaround time for biopsy results is far longer, and many have (rightly) complained about the agonizing delay.

    Good luck with your results. I hope your letter arrives soon and you don't have too long to wait.

  • I had a CT scan, urinary tract, three weeks ago. Before that I saw the consultant and had a cystoscopy and ultrasounds, after which I received a letter saying they found nothing and would write to me with CT scan results and I'd probably not need to return. Two days ago I received a phone call asking me to go In This Monday for a face to face meeting with the consultant, I don't know if it's good or bad news. So in my case it was 3 weeks until I heard anything. 

  • Well I think they like to see you face to face. Anyway. He told me after the camera if ct us clear would refer me back to gp but I just huge worry that they missed sometng nit that I have symptoms now. But we don't know.  , I keep my fingers x for you x