Critical illness cover after breast cancer

I had a critical illness cover in place prior to my breast cancer diagnosis which has now lapsed.  I know it will be hard to get cover again after having breast cancer but wondered if any of you have managed to find an insurance provider who is open to this. Saves me having to explain my medical history numerous times and getting rejected for cover each time!!

  • hi,

    not sure I'd bother. My best friend is 57, he's been diagnosed with inoperable terminal cancer of the oesophagus. He has secondaries in the lymph glands and has lost over 4 stone in weight. His prognosis is very poor, but of course nobody can or will give him a time frame. He has terminal illness cover with Scotish Widows. When he contacted them, they told him that unless he was able to provide them with a letter from his onchologist that clearly states a life expectancy of 12 months or less that they would not deal with his claim. They told him that if he wasn't happy with their answer that he could go to the ombudsman.  Please can anybody give me any advice. His financial situation is desperate and the worry and stress is doing him no favours.  Tonight I've come across countless posts on different forums, all terminally ill people who've encountered similar obstacles. Shame on the UK insurance industry.