Could this be Bowel / Stomach Cancer

Hi all

In about December my stomach started playing up, i had one day of diarrhoea that did go quickly.  Anyways since then all day every day my stomach has been making loud and i mean loud gurgling / rumbling noises.  Everyone around me can hear them and its worse after i have eaten but they are there all the time.

Before Christmas i did go and see a GP (not mine as he was on Holiday) she was very dismissive and although she did a physical check of my stomach bascially sent me on my way and made me feel like i had waisted her time.

So on to today..the noises are still there louder than ever and show no sign of going away.  I am going to make an appointment with my GP but waiting times are about a week, I am 41 year old male by the way.

Could this be a sign i have bowel / Stomach Cancer? Dr google is freaking me out and i am conviced i now have that.

Thanks for any input


  • Hello Chris and welcome to Cancer Chat!

    I’m sorry you are feeling poorly and dismissed by the GP you saw before Christmas. Have you managed to book an appointment with your GP after that?

    Looking up things on “Dr Google” is something we all do from time to time, but at least in my experience the more we do the more we worry so try to refrain from doing so if you can.

    As for the question you ask, if you feel like speaking to someone on the phone you can give our cancer nurses a call, they are available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on 0808 800 4040, this phone number is free of charge from a UK landline.

    Also, I'm including here some links from our web page with information on stomach and bowel cancers. I hope this helps to ease your mind a bit Chris and do come back when you have a minute to let us know how you are getting on. 

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Many Thanks for your reply and taking the time to provide me with some links. I have had a look at these and it does not mention rumbling tummy anywhere, I have made an appointment for my GP for the 23rd of Feb. I will report back as if others suffer this particular symptom it might be a good reference thread. Again many thanks for your help
  • Just a follow up as promised, my normal also didnt seem concerned by my noisey tummy (which is as bad as it ever was) but decided to get a stool sample (x3) anyways i have just got my results and they have come back as negative for blood in stool.

    He also did a thorough exam of my tummy etc and has biascially said that i have nothing to worry about and its looking like IBS.


  • Thanks for sharing Chris. Exactly the same here and feel less anxious about my going to gp in a few days now.

  • Its good that your going, I ended up pushing for colonoscopy and endoscopy and apart from very mild gastritis everything came back fine...Still the noises are there...none stop..used to them now

  • I have constant stomach gurgling and Popping noises in my stomach for over a year . I do have a hiatal hernia that was diagnosed about 6 years ago so every stomach problem since then I put down to this . I have had on going stomach problems for last six years but this gurgling and poppPop is crazy . I've had lots of tests done and found out I have gallstones but doctors say this is not the cause because I also get lots of pain on my left side of my stomach asweell . It feels like somthiy growing iny stomach . All tests clear so still don't have any answers . This issue now keeps me awake and stresses me out constantly and that is possible making the whole situation worse . 

  • Hi dizzy dawn.

    i too have very similar symptoms as yourself including the feeling of something growing on the left side and was wondering if you have been for any further tests?

    thanks and hope your well


  • I've had symptoms just like yours for 4 months now! I've been to my GP 4 times since it started and have had stool tests, blood tests and IBS diagnosed. Unfortunately the pain got so bad in my right side and after eating that I started vomiting recently. I spoke to out of hours initially who told me to seek medical help urgently back at my GP (who I have lack of faith in at the moment!). Anyway, they sent me straight to hospital where I was told I may have gallstones. No gallstones found luckily but now I'm back to square one! The surgeon said I may have colic (which I thought only babies get) and possibly Crohns disease. I'm being referred to the gastro team at hospital for further tests soon. It's making my life so uncomfortable! I hope you find out what's causing your discomfort soon. 

  • I went to the doctors for exactly the same thing plus everynow and then, I have had occasional bleeding.

    I was sent for a hospital referral. I had a sigmoidoscopy at the beginning of January where they found a polyp which was sent for testing. Last week I had a letter saying the polyp was a tubulovillos adenoma with mild grade dysplasia. I am now going into hospital on Monday for a full colonoscopy. I still haven't had the chance to speak about what this means as its all come through the post but I am trying to avoid Dr Google as I know it will freak me out. I guess I will find out on Monday - eek!

  • Sorry to hear you are going through the very same. I still have no answers despite continuing to go back to the doctors and hospital  I am currently up at the hospital now waiting to be seen again.. 

    Last 3 days have been hurrendous and things only seem to be getting gradually worse. The doctors don't seem to be that bothered that every day I'm suffering like this. It's now starting to affect my mental health.

    Will let you know how I get on today.