Could this be a cancer?


I've suffered really bad earache since April, now reduced hearing on left side. Treated 3 times with antibiotics, nasal sprays x2 and ear spray. Nothing worked. 

For the last 2 months my left side of neck and throat have been sore, feels like a lump in throat. Difficulty swallowing, hoarseness to voice.

Went to Dr on Monday, she gave me antibiotics for throat infection, and felt a pea sized lump on left side of neck. Now being referred for a neck scan. Antibiotics not working. 

Throat still sore right at the back. Lump in throat still there, and voice is disappearing. Constant ringing in left ear. 


Had blood tests completed 2 weeks ago, all came back clear, which I was surprised about, as if I'm being treated for a throat infection and ear infection that I've had now for ages, would that not show up in blood test results 


Anyone shed any light and advice please 


Ty x

  • Hi I don't think I can give any helpful advice but your symptoms sound very similar to mine, I have had a blocked right ear for a few months now (I assumed was wax build up) but about 3/4 weeks ago noticed I was having difficulty swallowing on one side (same side as problem  ear). My gp has referred me to audiologists re the hearing problem and I have appt with them tomorrow but am getting worried (that's an understatement) that it is actually cancer. I have got swollen tonsils with spots on, and my lymph nodes in neck do feel swollen. It's getting to the point that I'm afraid to eat (though I force myself to as I'm a slim woman and don't want to lose any weight) or look at my throat or feel it. Glad to hear you have got a referral to a specialist to get it looked into, hope it goes well



  • Hi there

    Hope you are well.  Did u ever get to the bottom of this? I am having similar symptoms. 

    Many thanks