Cording following sentinel node biopsies

Had sentinel node biopsies done nearly six weeks ago and was doing very well. Did all the exercises, didn’t overdo things but now have a lot of discomfort in the armpit and spreading down to my elbow. Spoke to the Macmillan nurse who said to massage the area and it should “pop” and then I will get some relief. Seems to make it worse doing the massage and no better after a few days trying this. Has anyone else suffered with this? Am away on holiday at the moment so can’t get to see anyone.

Thanks in advance


  • Aww Mary,feel for you..... maybe you’ve been overdoing things? It’s still early days.... Was nurse thinking it would pop because there’s fluid in there? Or is it due to your medication? 

    Hope it goes as quickly as it came!!

    Had my tattoos done yesterday and it’s fine so no worries for you on that score.

    Sending love to you and hoping the pain goes xxx

  • Hi Jackie lovely to hear from you. Don’t think I have overdone things and did my exercises It’s quite uncomfortable. Away on holiday at the moment but have appointment at the GP on Tuesday so will see what he says.  No effects from the medication so far Glad all went well with the tattoos, you’re all good to go now!

    Sending lots of love

    Mary xx

  • Hi Mary,

    So pleased no effects from your medication but sad you’ve got a poorly arm as if you haven’t been through enough.....

    Yes starting 14th October when I get back from holiday but was told yesterday it takes time for planning as they took so many measurements but all my worrying about it was unfounded!!! 

    Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

    love xxx