Coping with the time it takes and the rollercoaster

Does anyone have any tips on how to cope with the waiting time?

ive posted a few times already in various things and the biggest thing we are struggling with at the minute is the time it's taking for biopsy results.

life is like wading through treacle under a big black cloud.

weve two young kids and a perfect life which has just been steamrollered.

kids are a good distraction but they also heighten the emotions when you think of the worse case scenario and how they will be affected.

anyone got any coping tips??

  • No coping tips here im affraid, but I do feel your agony.

    This limbo waiting time is the worst.

    I too had a happy life, happily married with a 17month old daughter. And now the way I have gone downhill so quickly, my husband has had to practically take on the single parent role.

    They already found a secondary cancer in my liver. But I am now waiting on further tests to locate the primary. I'm waiting on a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy as They think it's all started in either the bowel or the stomach.

    The waiting game is killing us. The fact that this cancer is just sat there (and for God knows how long) and not being treated is driving us nuts.

    I sort of (rightly or wrongly) have this idea in my head that once treatment starts I can have a slice of life back and not be in this constant agony all the time.

  • When I was in the stage you're going through, I threw myself into my work, took the dog out for long walks, got pi55ed, read books, watched DVDs, anything to distract my mind.