Coping with the loss of my dad

My dad passed away 6 days ago and I’m just not sure what I should be doing, he was 64 and I just can’t believe I’ll never see him again! I feel like my husband doesn’t want to keep hear me talk about it or keep crying but I don’t know what to do. My mum is only 63 and she’s devastated, he did so much for her that she feels lost. I hate life so much and wish I could speak to him just one more time. 

  • I'm really sorry to welcome you to the forum under such sad circumstances Abs and on behalf of the team here at Cancer Chat I would like to offer you our sincerest condolences on the passing of your dad.

    Many members here understand how hard it is to cope with the loss of a parent and I'm sure some of them will be along soon to offer their support and advice.

    Chat to us as much as you need to or want to Abs and remember that we are here for you at this difficult time.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi


    I lost my dad a week before Christmas very suddenly due to a blood clot in the lung from the effects of chemo. I'm angry it wasn't talked about as it's common, I'm devastated I'll never speak to him again, I'm sad for my mum, they had so much planned and I'm just lost.

    I'm so sorry you are going through the same as me, my thoughts are with you at this terrible time. X

  • Dear abs 1332000

    sorry to hear of your loss. 

    I lost my dear dad 16 months ago so am a little further down the mourning line, but can remember the first few months vividly and know it is a very sad, confusing time, as you don’t know one day to the next how you should feel and act. I to wanted to just join my dad and kind of adopted a “ couldn’t care about anything “ attitude because I missed him more than my feelings could cope with.

    I to still have my mum and tried to keep her going through these dark times.

    your husband should be more understanding, it has only 6 days , it takes weeks, even months to start to feel acceptance.

    take care and take one day at a time, it is the only way


  • I am so sorry for your loss your message struck a chord with me as I am in a similar place.   I lost my dad on 10th December, just 3 weeks after diagnosis.  My mum is not coping well and I can’t stop going over and over things and crying.  I miss dad so much and it still doesn’t seem real.  I have gone back to work and appear to be coping ok there as keeping busy. Some people are not lucky enough to have had a dad who they loved ,we were, try to remember good times and find comfort that your dad will always be with you. I know how hard it is and hope that in time things will get better sending you my very best wishes.  

  • Hello and so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad to lung cancer and pneumonia just last night. It is still raw but I am lucky to have a large and close knit family. My mum is devastated at the loss of her life partner and husband of 53 years. We were fortunate in that we were all able to see him one last time when we visited him in hospital yesterday. He passed a couple of hours after we left. It will take time to heal and everyone has their own coping mechanisms, but by joining this forum and choosing to share your pain is a good step towards the grieving process. My husband lost his dad suddenly from a heart attack nearly 10 years ago, I know losing my dad has brought back some sad memories for him and although he is being supportive he has been more grumpy and irritable today. It can't be easy for him to see me suffer so much. I'm sure your husband wants to support you but may be struggling as to how or what to say. Talk to him, be open about your feelings. X