coping with stress

My wife has a stage 4 cancer and really stressing me out. i don't know how to handle it. I m getting depressed at home and at my work.

  • Hi Arnel,

    This is a natural reaction to what you are going through? Have you been to see your GP, meds might help take the edge of the stress. Macmillan offer relatives counselling in our area and there are support groups.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Arnel7, i feel your pain. My husband has secondary liver cancer that cannot be cured adn i am really strugling to cope with it too. Currently self-emplyed I can hardly work as cannot concentrate to anything and feel like crying day and night. I do recommend contacting any councelling services you may get as it makes it a bit easier to handle. I am sending you a lot of love and thoughts, we are not alone in this. all the best x