Consultant sure its breast cancer

Hi. Ive posted on here recently. I had my breast clinic appointment today and after a examination, 3 biopsies and an ultra sound, my consultant has said he is 100% sure its breast cancer. Im due back to the hospital in a week for a mammogram, ct and mri scan. Im nervous if it has spread but my consultant is telling me its treatable. I just wanted to hear from others who have/ had breast cancer. Im scared and trying to put on a brave front. Also, i'll be having a chat with them about genetics and fertility. So much to take in but im determined to fight this!

  • Hi


    Sorry to hear this, I imagine your mind is all over the place at the moment. I'm 43 (I'm guessing a bit older than you) and was diagnosed in March so I get what you are going through. Someone gave me a good bit of advice - listen to and trust your consultants and dont google things!!! They are telling you it's treatable, that's a good thing - it might not be an easy journey but you will fight this! Take each day one day at a time, some days I used to take each hour at a time and shout if you want to shout,cry if you want to cry. Have you got a good support network around you? Talking does help and I've found sites like these really useful. Breast cancer now is a good website, especially for younger women- there are lots of services they offer including a telephone service where they can match you up with someone who has recently been through what you are going through. It does get easier, It might be a long road ahead, but you will get through it xx


    Hi Amy,

    I am so sorry to hear that your consultant said that he is pretty sure that it is breast cancer following your visit yesterday. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 11 years and, I was told this on both occasions too. This dashes your hopes that you might have been clear, but in some ways it gives you a week to prepare for confirmtion from the biopsy.The mammogram, CT and MRI scans are all straight forward and might help your consultant in his diagnosis.


    As Sunshine has said, it is good news that it is treatable, but there are so many unknowns at the moment that it is downright scary. Write down a list of any questions you may have, because it is all too easy to forget what you want to say in the heat of an appointment. Most people don't tell family and friends until they get the full diagnosis and grading. This makes it difficult to put a brave face on things. I hope that you have someone who you can lean on for support throughout all this and, that you get all the genetics and fertility issues sorted out before treatment starts.

    Hang on to that determination to fight this. You will find that it is so much easier to get through all this with a positive attitude if you can muster one.

    Do please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,
    Jolamine xx


  • Amy1998

    Hi Amy

    I to was told it was breast cancer  on the day of my appointment on the 20th May. I had 5 core biobsys taken 3 from my right breast and 2 from under ny arm.

    It's a scary time , but ive had my operation on the 16th  June , and i was scared to look at my bressts.i was amazrd at how good it still looked , the surgeon did a fsntsstic job. 

    My operation was a lumpectomy ( to remove the tumour which was 1cm in size) and i had to have all my lymph nodes removed from under my right arm, as the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. 

    Apart from the under arm being sore, it has not been half as bad as i first thought it would be. 

    Im hoping that evertything goes as well with you, as it has so far with me. I was absolutely petrified abiut it all , and im being absolutely honest when  i tell you  if id have realised  it wasnt as painfull as i thought, id have saved nyself a lot if worry and sleepless night's. 

    I have a call ftom my surgeon  on the 29th june, to tell me what the nxt plan of action is.

    I was told that depending on the pathology results, i may need more  breast tissue  taken  away, ( im hoping not) and if all is ok and another operation is nit needed i will ne told what treatments i will need going forward. Ie chemotherapy, Radiotherapy  letrazole or Tamoxifen. 

    Good luck with evetything, stay positive  it is treatable, and we are all here for you, if you need a chat about anything.  Let us know how yiur doing  my lovely  and Good luck  xxxxx

  • Thanks for the replies! I still can't believe it all, i feel like im going to wake up any time soon. I was expecting it to be cancer, but theres 1 big tumor, a few little 1s and 1 near my armpit. Thats the big shock. Im feeling ok today, i just want to get my results back and find out my treatment plan. The consultant said because of my age (32) its likely to be chemo 1st then hopefuly surgery next. I hope you're all doing well

  • Amy 1988

    Hi Amy.its such a shock and hard to take in ,i guess why they are saying Chemo first , because it will shrink the tumour  and make your surgery easier and less invasive. 

    Im sure once the ball starts rolling and you get to the point where surgery can commence  , you will be a step closer to recovering. 

    Chemotherapy is what my son has had, he was ok just a few side effects but nothing he couldn't handle, everyone's different and you might be one of the lucky ones like  him that sails through it  all. 

    Im currently not feeling great, ive developed a lump  under my arm where I had my lympth nodes removed.  I had to have a visit ftom hospital nurse who wasnt sure whats causing it, but gave me a course of antibiotics in case i.have an infection.  To me it looks like  a build up of fluids, its swollen up and hurts. 

    Ive left messages with my breast care nurse  but they haven't replied buck  yet. My surgeon is calling me anyway on the 29th  to dissciss thier findings and what the nxt ciurse if actions will be. hope everything goes well for yiu Amy, much love and positive vubes are being sent your way.  Xxx

  • Hi Amy

    Just wanted to reply here as I am in much the same situation as you! I am 29, also recently diagnosed, and having chemo first then surgery. My first chemo is on Monday.
    Feel free to add me as a friend and send a message if you'd like someone to talk to through this as we're in much the same spot.

    Steph x

  • Hi Amy.. I had chemo first then a mastectomy.. in fact its the anniversary of that op today. You will be reeling now.. you just have to wake up each day, cry if you need to and then soothe yourself  .... remind yourself you are in good hands.. the best... you will  receive World class medical treatment. There will be the fearful you who needs comforting and reassuring each day and you will find the deeper you... try to imagine you are not your fearful thoughts... your mind is just designed to feel fear, so you will run.. its a basic instinct.. but its not the full story. There is a calm strong you who will get you through this. 

    Chemo these days isn't as bad as you imagine. Yes you'll feel fatigued at times... but on the steroid days you will be buzzing. Your oncologists are on top of this Amy.. they do it day in day out. They will lead you through. Don't google.. just trust your doctors .. have conversations. You've done really well to even reach out st this early stage. You're already tapping into that strength Amy.

    I'm well and cancer free and you will be too. X 

  • Hi. Really sorry to hear you're going through this too. Im so scared today. I had stinging before being diagnosed but today it seems worse. Im so scared that means i won't get treated. Its such a stressful time! I will add you as a friend. I hope your chemo goes well for you tomorrow

  • Hi. Yeah, i think thats what they're going to try and do. I just want to get the next tests done and results. Im sorry to hear about your situation and that your son has had it too. Hopefuly you will hear back from the nurses soon, but i hate the waiting part! 

  • Hi. Thanks for your reply. Yeah, i need to not get too far ahead of myself, i always imagine the worst! I really trust my consultant so thats good. Im just having good and bad days at the moment. I woke up today and the first thing i thought about was chemo. I felt so sick about it