Confused and down

I'm currently a cancer patient and have just finished my first round of 12 chemos soon to start my second I've had a lot of ups and downs been in hospital a lot! I almost lost the fight when I caught an infection in my line and the chemo spread it through my body my next of kin were called and told I wouldn't survive the night but I'm still here! I've formed very strong bonds with the nurses her they are so good to me! I was really good friends with one of the nurses we had great banter and chats he was the first nurse I met on the cancer unit which I think makes me feel closer to him then the rest any way my problem is this about 6 weeks ago I was in for 2 weeks with a blood infection and he came along to put up my  antibiotics as usual we had a chat and a laugh I say back closed my eyes for a few seconds to open them to find his face very close to mine and his hands reaching for either side of my face!! He backed away saying 'only joking only joking looking very flushed and made a quick exit he then proceeded to ignore me for the next 4 days he would come into the ward say hello to everyone but me! Things are slowly returning to normal now but it's still awkward at time! He's so lovely and I miss talking to him! I don't know whether I should try and break the ice a little or what to do!  I know it's not cancer related but its starting to get me down! He's obviously trying to distance himself from me and its upsetting me!

  • he was acting in an unprofession way take of yourself for now


  • Hello Chevonne.

    I was truely horrified to read your post. I have worked as a nurse for over 25yrs and there is absolutly no excuse for such inappropriate behaviour towards you. That nurse's behaviour was not only unprofessional breaking most rules in the nurse code of conduct , he also has made you feel uncomfortable and confused insead of feeling cared for and in professonal capable hands.

    It is totally up to you of course but it may be worth you asking to speak to a member of trusted staff in confidence about this. My concern is that he has done this before but nobody wants to " get him in trouble" so he thinks its okay to carry on. You could ask to be moved to another ward to finish your treatment in peace, rather than feeling ignored and under pressure to break the ice and talk to him. But really it is him that needs to be suspended and investigated for misconduct The fact he is avoiding you demonstrates to me he KNOWS he has behaved inappropriately.


    How awful for you to go through this when you are at your most vulnerable. There will be other staff ie Macmillan nurse/ Breastcare nurse specialist who can give you the support you need.

    I wish you all the best what ever you decide to do