
Back in 2018 I was diagnosed with complex hyperplasia with atypia. My gynae consult wanted radical hysterectomy post haste. I requested consult with all drs and declined surgery as risk of death on table risky due to high bmi. I couldn't manage the hormone coil as made me very sick. However have managed to lose 8 stone in weight and now on last biopsy in April informed cells all ok ? . Due to Covid this was a conversation on the phone with no follow up planned. I am not on menopause according to blood tests but don't have regular periods so I'm concerned overgrowth of endometrial tissue will return. But I'm lost tbh after two years of biopsy's every 3 months and recurrent infections I'm glad of the rest . But I'm worried I'm putting myself at risk. The condition was found accidentally and I was told I was lucky ! Has anyone had a similar experience or have any thoughts on what I should do. I feel due to Covid crisis I am left floundering. Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom .

  • Hi there, its a mine field.  Firstly, congratulations in losing all that weight.  Ive been told I need to do this, and its very hard so well done (any tips would be lovely).  Covid has a lot to answer for.  I have had to have one or two consults over the phone and it isnt the same.  Surely if you have had a clear biopsy, your risks have abaited.  I too have the same question as I have hyperplasia but without the complications.  Im on meds but what happens when the meds stop???  I have ffound there is nobody to ask questions like ours.  My gp seems to think I will be on meds for a while, I have another biopsy in January and then another 6 months after that.  The consultant says if alls well, ill be discharged.  I will ask the same question as you.  What are the chances of it all starting again???  Im 58 so perhaps my body will accept the menopause and deal with it with no further worries.  Let us know how it goes.

  • Hi Vulcan

    thanks for reply it is settling that you have been told your plan. Pre my last biopsy our conversation was that if it's still positive then I would be in for a radical hysterectomy no discussion on what would be the plan if all clear .... 

    re weight loss I have taken to using smaller crockery and now eat very little processed food. I don't snack any more and I have changed my fruits. I tend to eat protein and veg more than carbohydrates. I have just started the couch to 5k as doing the race for life on 26 th. First time feel it's what I need to give back, and also improve my fitness. I will post any changes good luck with next biopsy