
 38!years old , Recently diagnosed with invasive DC and DCIs of left breast , I had two opinions lumpectomy plus radiation and hormonal therapy or mastectomy with hormonal therapy only ..,so I choose lumpectomy and one margin came with only less than 0.5 mm free foci of DCIs ...since that I’m afraid and I thinking I should do mastectomy from the start, my choice was wrong !! I talk to my surgeon he said no breast tissue lefted and no more surgery and now continue your treatment but I’m afraid :/any one had this experience 

  • Hi ya ...

    I'm sorry your now more worried after the op ... l had the same choice and l choose masectomy ... but I'm 64 ... so I knew I could live with that ... but if I'd been younger I'd probly have had what you did ...

    I'm sure they will keep a close eye on you now ... I'm sure they will do that at first sign of another lump .. and they just may have got it all ... fingers crossed ... so try not to over worry .. and even with a full masectomy, there's still a chance it will come back ... 

    Hope that helped a little ..  Chrissie x

  • Thanks Chriss ,your words made me feel better

  • did you have radiotherapy !! I’m afraid of it’s side effect 


    Hi Butterfly,

    I'm sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis and surgery. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 9 years. The first time I had a lumpectomy, followed by Tamoxifen for 1 year. After a year I found another lump in the same breast, which was cancerous. I had also has a lump in the other breast 6 months after my initial surgery, but this was benign.

    I discussed my options with my surgeon and we decided upon a double mastectomy second time around. This was followed by 6 years of Letrozole, which I finished taking in July 2017.

    If your surgeon is happy that there is no cancer left, you should be fine now. My advice would be to keep checking yourself regularly and to contact your consultany straight away if you feel anything at all suspect. You will probably also be brought back for annual checks.

    I hope for your sake that you don't need to undergo any further surgery.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx