Concurrent chemo and radiotherepy

 My previous treatment some years ago involved time seperated chemo and radio programs but this time the two will run together.

Given the usual side effects of chemo( probably 'average' in my case) I am wondering whether I am likely to be be ok  to drive to daily radio sessions .

  • Hello Nedkent, 

    I guess there's probably not a black and white answer to your question depending on a number of factors. 

    Is there someone that you could ask to be on standby in case you don't feel "up to" driving one day? If not then it is likely that the hospital will be able to organise some transport for you if you feel it's too much to manage. 

    If you'd like to speak to one of our team of nurses for some advice then they will be available again after the bank holiday on 0808 800 4040 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm). 

    Best wishes for your treatment! Do keep in touch. 

    Cancer Chat moderator