Complex ovarian cyst- waiting on MDT results

Hi everyone, 

i had a transvaginal ultrasound about 6 weeks ago due to bloating, irregular bleeding and pain. 

They found a complex ovarian cyst measuring 5cm on my left ovary with some vascularity ( I don’t know quite what that means), with three smaller cysts growing off it. I saw a consultant on 2nd September and he requested more bloods and said that they would discuss it in an MDT meeting but I haven’t heard anything since. 

My family and friends are telling me that if I were a priority then I would have been contacted already, if they thought it was anything sinister. It’s been three weeks now and I haven’t heard anything. 

Ive left messages with the hospital and my doctors haven’t received anything either. 

Does it normally take this long? 

Kate, 29 x x