

First time posting on here, hopefully I've posted this in the right place. Just a post about my recent experience. 

I had my first colposcopy after my results were boarderline changes and hpv positive I was super nervous, scared and had been worrying wrek ever since I got the letter with my results. Cried a lot too. 
The colposcopy was uncomfortable, and I admit it did hurt more than the smear test. I had to have a biopsy taken, but the nurse with me was very friendly and kept talking to me to distract me. 
It's the day after, and I'm feeling sore. Bad cramps and just a generally icky feeling inside me. I bled quite a bit yesterday and today, but coming into the evening it has eased a bit. 
The doctor said he can't see anything that looks worrying which made me feel more relieved, but guess I'll find out when I get the results. So more worrying from me until then 

Probably a silly question, but Ive just had a shower, and noticed I have some very dark blobs (not blood) in and around that area. Would this be from the dye they used? 

Thank you 

  • Hello Rosieposie27, 

    Welcome to our forum and thank you for sharing your colposcopy experience. I am glad that you had such a friendly nurse by your side - it sounds like she did a fantastic job at keeping you distracted. I am sorry to hear you have been feeling sore I hope it has all got a bit better for you by now. Regarding the dark blobs you describe, it might be worth getting in touch with the hospital and asking the team that did your colposcopy whether these are to be expected. 

    If you have any questions related to the colposcopy, you can also contact the Cancer Research UK nurses on freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

    I hope that you will also hear from others on the forum who have had a similar experience and that they will be along shortly to share their experience with you.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello,

    Thanks for sharing. I'm currently waiting for my colonoscopy which has now become an accelerated colonoscopy (?) ie bumped to the top to specifically check for bowel cancer.

    I'm very scared. I'm 36 years old and feeling very fragile about the whole thing. I'm also extremely tired all the time and in pain. I'm finding it difficult to be around my partner I don't know why but I just want to be on my own. 

    I became noticeable ill in April this year however in hindsight I've been struggling for some time. I started to get severe abdominal pain where I would collapse, I've been experiencing serious diarrhea and now constipation with blood. 

    I was admitted to hospital for 5 days due to the pain and they diagnosed diverticulitis. I got better but a week later the symptoms came back. My scan shows apparently extreme thickening of the colon and severe inflammation .I am normal weight and fit and healthy.

    However I've now been on 4 different types of antibiotics and the pain isn't going, nothing seems to work. There is blood in my stools and I'm exhausted so the hospital thank god put me in for an accelerated colonoscopy which should be in 2 weeks time. 

    I'm worried sick. I feel extremely tired but also guilty for worrying about the unknown. 

    I feel my partner thinks I'm being negative and over reacting. I don't know how to approach work about this either. 

    Apologies for the ramblings. I'm just absolutely shattered right now. 

  • Hi Rosie ..I'm going through the same thing .can I ask. Is the blood mixed in with your stools or coating  stools.  I've been having blood coating some stool and when wiping for weeks suddenly this week loose stools and tummy ache 

  • Hi wintertime

    The colposcopy is a procedure to check your cervix but is easily mixed up with colonoscopy, due to their similar look, but is completely different. You may get more appropriate responses to your post by starting your own thread or joining a thread relating to colonoscopy. People may not see your post in this thread as they will perhaps assume they cannot help with a colposcopy query. 

    This will also allow the original poster to receive responses appropriate to her procedure. x

  • Hi Nina

    It looks like there is confusion between the 2 procedures here-colposcopy and colonoscopy. I made a reply to [@Wintertime]‍ to explain.x

  • I did wonder as havent heard of colopscopy. Thanks

  • No problem. They look very similar when written down! 

  • Thanks for your replies. Just to confirm it was a colposcopy I had.. where they check your cercix. 

    So I'm 6 days post colposcopy and I'm still bleeding from the biopsy. It's interminttient though, the first few days it was dark brown discharge, the last couple of days it's been bright red blood, yesterday I had light brown discharge in the morning then bright red blood in the evening, and today it's a mixture of both. I've read a few articles, some saying bleeding should last 3-5 days, others saying it can last for 4 weeks. I'm a little confused, should I be worried that I'm still bleeding and getting mild cramps nearly a week after? 

  • Hi Rosiposie

    I’m sorry to hear you’re still uncomfortable and bleeding. Everyone is different, and some ladies do bleed for longer than others. I bled profusely after cervical biopsies and had cramping so I know it’s not very pleasant. Discharge is normal but there are a couple of things I would say.

    If you are filling a pad an hour bleeding, you should seek advice and likewise you should seek advice if your discharge is very smelly as it could indicate an infection. 

    I think what you’re experiencing sounds perfectly normal, and should settle soon but as always if you’re worried then check with your doctor. Hope you feel better soon! x

  • Thank you for your reassuring reply Minska! Hoping it will ease off soon, im not bleeding heavily, but it's more than spotting, enough to fill a liner during the day. Im not getting any bad smelling discharge either, fingers crossed it stays that way! 
    I'm due on my period in 4 days, so am keeping an eye on when it turns in to that. 
    Was your first period after the biopsy's any more painful or heavier than usual?