Colonoscopy with sedation tomorrow :-(

Not sure of the purpose of my post but I've got my colonoscopy tomorrow and just feel really scared about what the results will be. My nausea has got so bad it's 24/7 now, been awake all through the night for the past couple of days with extreme feelings of sickness and a weird sense of breathlessness. I am fatigued just doing the slightest thing :( so worried about tomorrow, unsure of what to expect with the sedation too... any experiences of that? Is it ok? Sounds a but scary! I just want this sickness to stop and to feel normal again. I know my body and I know that something isn't right :(

  • I had this back in august icwould lie if i said it was a walk in park it was uncomfirtabke and painful thats ehen i asked for more sedation which helped immediately dont be afraid to ask for more sedation or painkillers 

  • Hi Butterfly1987


    I can't offer any advice but just wanted to say I know how you are feeling, I too am booked in for a Colonoscopy for this Saturday and the anxiety and wait between appointments is horrible. I first went to the docs with irregular bleeding between periods and painful bowel movements and bleeding too. I have lost 9lbs in 7 weeks. Had an internal ultrasound which found a cyst of 4cmx3xcm on right ovary for which I have to go back in 2 weeks to have scanned again. I had a CT scan with dye on Friday, the results are being sent to urologist who is performing colonoscopy so no idea of anything at the moment. 

    How have you found the bowel prep so far? 
    Maybe you could let me know how it goes? 

    All the best x

  • Bowel prep is no fun lol best thing is too start a little earlier than they say as i was still going to toilet 5 mins before leaving for hospital 

  • Thanks Alfiemoon2008, great tip! 

  • Thank you. I've just spoken with the nurse who has reassured me a little! I'm definitely having the sedation. I'm more worried about the results if symptoms are constant. I never hear of anyone who has constant IBS symptoms. I've felt nauseous 24/7 over the last couple of days, before that it was intermittent throughout the day. But I've felt nauseous every morning for months. Now it's getting debilitating... I just hope and pray it's something that can be fixed. Thank you for replying I will let you know how I get on!

  • Hey! Thanks for replying to me. Sorry to hear you are gounf

    through the same thing. Sounds like we are on a v similar journey! Let's hope we both get the results we are hoping for xxx

    've had pretty much identical symptoms to you. Periods have been messed up for a while as well as clots and extreme pain when passing bowel movement during period. They thought I had endo which still hasn't been ruled out but the fact that my symotoms are mostly bowel related and not menstruation. My periods have actually been better the last 2 months.whereas my bowel symptoms have just got continually worse!


    Yeah my issues have been going on since approx end of last summer 2019. Although I have been bleeding on and off for around 4 years!!! To be honest though every time I bled I could feel that I had cut myself inside after passing a difficult bowel movement and would always then bleed immediately after passing it. But then it would heal and the bleeding stop very quickly after like 4/5 days (providing I ate more fibre), so I always assumed the bleeding was hemorroids / fissures as I have had these a lot since childbirth back in 2008.

    i always thought wow that's a lot of blood but because I could feel I had cut myself it never occurred to me that it could ever possibly be cancer. I just hope I was right as now I'm worried sick and thinking omg why didn't I go to the doctors all those years ago!!! Tbh I've never had any other symptoms, up until summer 2019 when I noticed change of bowel habits, going from once every other day to 3-4 times a day with feelings of urgency but nothing there or only able to get slight amounts out. Stools a lot smaller / narrower than usual (although I have passed a couple of normal looking ones). It's the nausea for me's now CONSTANT and Keeping me awake all night. My symptoms have been constant for months, which doesn't sound like IBS. IBS sufferers speak of 'flare ups'. But mine is constant. And what conditions cause constant nausea to the point of making you feel faint and breathless?! :( 


    Bowel prep is actually totally fine! I've sipped some apple juice after each gulp to make it easier. It doesn't taste the best but not unbearable by any means. I've laid on the sofa with my blanket and Netflix all day drinking tea with lemon no milk, made poached eggs on toast for lunch. It's been fine! It feels gradual rather than instant. I'm taking Picolax. My other half had moviprep a few years ago and that was instant and he hated it. This feels kinda gradual like I've only been to the toilet three times. I can handle that! Lol! When I go it's out pretty quickly and then I'm back on my sofa with my blanket and my dog :) lol ! 
    I will let you know how I get on tomorrow. I have private healthcare so the hospital I'm in is so lovely, the nurse assigned to me has already rang me to go through tomorrow and reassure me about things. I just want it over and done with!! 
    will let you know how I got on hun xx



  • Let us know how you get on, I expect you are the hospital now! 

  • Hi! Just to update you I had my colonoscopy today and I've not got cancer! Thank goodness! I had two hemorroids and also Looks like possibly an inflammatory condition. If you read my other posts I've given an update on how it all went! Am just feeling so relieved! :) x