Colonoscopy Fear


I'm booked in to have a colonoscopy on Tuesday and reading people's experience with this procedure I'm now petrified.

Ive gone with just gas and air as I'm prone to passing out with needles as well as the sedation being straight before the procedure starts I'll be so tightly wound and not relaxed at all but most people seem to say it didn't work for them as it's not left to start working before they start "going in". 

I have no history of bowel cancer in the family and usually a good stomach but I'd been having really bad stomach cramps/pains. I've lost control of my bowels twice. I've had blood, sometimes alot, in my stools for years but I always thought it was just piles. 

My bloods came back fine but the faecal calprotecin content >6000ug/g. On my doctor's notes just states "consistent with active bowel inflammation, urgent referral needed". I've not spoken to anyone who's able to tell me what this means or why I've even been put forward for a colonoscopy. 

This is just sending my anxiety into a spin as even when I asked the nurse on my pre-op phone call why I was booked in she said my notes just had "stomach pains, no diarrhoea" which is incorrect anyway.

Someone please give me some hope that I'm not going to be in almighty pain and what this marker being high means as the internet just keeps pointing at a dark road.


  • I had a colonoscopy two months ago and felt nothing other than trapped wind, though I did have sedation.

    I think with blood in the stools and stomach pain, they would be bound to refer you for a colonoscopy. Not that it is necessarily probable that you have cancer or IBD or anything like that, but they have to rule them out. The symptoms of so many things are similar that a colonoscopy is the only way to know for sure. I had rectal bleeding (a stool test showed no sign of blood in stool), a couple of week of bad trapped wind and occasional loose stools (about once a week). The doctor said probably hemorrhoids, but there was a chance of something like IBD, so he would do a colonoscopy to make sure. And all they found was hemorrhoids.

    I know our symptoms are different but just saying that a colonoscopy doesn't necessarily mean they think anything is wrong, just that they don't want to take any chances. Even if there's a 1% chance and they don't investigate, at some point in their career, somebody will be that one in a hundred.

    Also, the Internet will usually show worst case scenario as that is what is going to get most research, attention, etc.