... colonoscopy fail rate?

Hi, This is my 2nd post in this forum. Last year in march time I was referred to a urgent colonoscopy and ultra scan due to thin stools and bleeding. Anyway the doctors said they didn't find anything unusual and to be perfectly frank seemed annoyed that my doctor even referred me to them considering my age (then 29 years old) . I put it to back of my head and carried on my life. However my symptoms have still not changed, and seem worse. Sorry this may be To much information but my stools are really thin and super sticky, with dark specks. Generally loose but sometimes constipated but always thin. What I wanted to ask, could the drs missed something? Is it worth me going back? I just feel so anxious talking to the drs as they were so dismissive  before and made me feel like I was being paranoid which possible I am being.... 

  • Hello Charly00

    I'm sorry to hear that you're still dealing with some health concerns. 

    There could be any number of reasons for the problems you've described, including anxiety impacting on your digestive system and so the best person to speak to in the first instance would be your GP. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator