
I have urgent colonoscopy booked for Thursday. There was very high calpcroctine in stool :( I'm so scared I have convinced myself I have stage 4 bowel cancer I have pain near liver. I had blood test 2 months ago all was ok appart from low vitamin d liver funtion was fine. Anyone though they had cancer but turned out to be ulcerative colitis crohns? My symptoms are large amounts of yellow mucus on every stool I have spotted the smallest amount of blood maybe twice no abdominal pain feels really inflamed up there after bowel movement and pressure high up. I'm confident the problem is in the area where stool is stored. I'm sooo hoping it's protitus but the lack of blood is telling me otherwise. If I do have stage 4 cancer can I beat it? 

  • Welcome to the community Scaredlady although I'm sorry for the reason you're joining us.

    I know it's difficult when waiting for tests and results but try not to jump to any conclusions or worse case scenarios until you know more. 

    Hopefully some of our members will offer their support to you soon but in the meantime we're thinking of you and will have our fingers crossed for good news.

    I'm not sure if you've had a colonoscopy before, but if not, you can read up on it just here.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • thanks for your reply i just really am not made to cope with this ive suffered with anxiety for years and this is litterly tipping me over the egde. tryed to get reasurance from gp and he just says the colonoscopy will tell me more. i know this is true but how am i ment to go to a colonoscopy when im in the middle of a nervous breakdown convinced myself im terminal. What really annoyes me is that ive been telling gp that ive had liver pain for months and noone cares (no checks). when i first told the gp my symptoms in febuary he asked if my anxiety was ok!?! and now im being told sorry yeah you were right your bowel is not right!! well yeah i know ive been telling you for months!!!!! 

  • Can i ask please, how long did it take for your stoll sample to come back and also how long between being referred and the colonoscopy? 

    How did you get on at your colonoscopy - are you well? x

  • I had appointment with gp 2 weeks after stool sample to discuss results. Colonoscopy is tomorrow 2 weeks from being referred x

  • I really wish you the best of luck! Have you had any other symptoms at all that lead you to believe it could be CC? xx