Clear smear result however........

hi Guys. 

Just looking for some advice or reassurance maybe I’m not sure. 

So I had my smear a while ago and while having it done my nurse could see a cluster/mass on my cervix. She got the GP to look and she confirmed what could be seen and referred me urgently to Gynae. My appointment is next week. However it’s not the colposcopy Dept it’s just to see the Gynae. Don’t know if it’s good or bad that?

anyway.....I’ve since got my smear results which were normal. 

Now when I explain my symptoms do you think I still have something to worry about or am I just worrying over something that’s nothing as my smear was clear? 

I bled for 3 days after my smear that never happened before. 

I bleed during and after see in the last 6 months or so

sefere coccyx pain. I am on any inflammatory meds which do nothing for it. 

I have a constant foul smelling discharge that can be very watery (sorry for the tmi)

i just don’t know if I still have something to worry about with the clear smear 

soeet for such a long post I just feel lost. Everybody is telling me not to worry because my smear was clear but I just have something in the back of my mind........

i appreciate I reading my post and your replies 


P xx

  • Hi EmiLisa85, 

    I'm glad to hear that your appointment with the gynaecologist has come through. I can see from your previous post that you've been waiting a little while now.

    The colposcopy department is part of the wider gynaecology services within the hospital. You can be seen by a Dr or a specialist nurse who will examine the cervix and take samples of any abnormal areas. You would normally have a colposcopy if you've had an abnormal result after a cervical screening test, or if you have symptoms that could be caused by cervical cancer. 

    As your smeart results were clear it sounds as though your GP wants you to see a specialist Dr hence the referral to a gynaecologist.  Hopefully they wlil be able to give you some answers about some of the symptoms you've been dealing with. 

    It's natural that you would be feeling a unsettled by things and if you think it would help to speak to one of our team of nurses ahead of your appointment then do give them a call. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that all goes well next week. Do let us know. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator