
Hi, I have been recently diagnosed with CIN3. And awaiting my futher apointment in the hospital. im vey under imresion that i will have LLETZ treatment.


my worries is.. i had sympthoms 6 month before the diagnose. therefore my smear test was brought forward. i have very heavy bleeding that is unusual to me, big blood cloths and bloody discharge in between the periods. and also mild pains through the month. 

the lady who took biopsy said she can see anything wrong but clearly it come back wrong. 

so my worrie is that LLETZ is not going to be sufficiant and i should have Cone Biopsy perfromed from the start. 

other i dont feel confident waiting 6 months for repeated test? can i request one after  3 moths? 


further more, if i chose to go for private treatment would  nhs still be ofering the 6 moths smear test? 


Thank you for your responses 

  • Hi Laura.L,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I can understand your worries - it would be best however to talk things through with your doctor when you can, as they will be best placed to advise specific to you and your situation.

    It may also help to speak to one of our nurses, who can likely provide some initial advice and information. If you'd like to do this, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator