
Hi iv just been diagnosed with cancer in my oesophagus an liver and in my bones in spin. oncologists told me it's terminal. an gave me 8 to ten months. had my first chemotherapy week last Thursday. felt so ill for about a week. feeling bit better now. Just hoping that I don't feel that ill after next one. I'm on chemotherapy tabs as well. all time. anybody out there . asking does it get better. xxx

  • Hi, Chris, I am so sorry for your sad diagnosis, it must have been such a shock for you.  I really dont know much about chemo, but I would say you should mention all the symptoms you had for that week, of course it may be normal but just in case the dose is too high or maybe they can do something it is worth speaking to someone.

    Can I wish you all the very best, please come and talk to us, anytime, we all need each other at these sad times. x

  • Hello Chris.  I am so sorry to read of your devastating diagnosis.  My heart goes out to you.  I'm sorry you had such a bad time after your first chemo last Thursday.  It's possible that they gave you your chemo too quickly for your system.  They gave me my first chemo too quickly for me and I was quite bad afterwards.  After that, each chemo session took about six hours in all and I was usually the last one to leave but it was worth it.  For two days afterwards, I could stll do all that I used to and prepare for the next two or three days when I came to find out that I couldn't do very much at all.  It's not worth trying to fight against it Chris; you can't change it.  But you do come out the other side and after a few days, feel almost as good you did beforehand (except for aching legs and some tingling hands and feet) but I found I could still cook, iron and even felt fit enough to change curtains. But, of course, do mention this at your session with your consultant prior to your next chemo session.  I wasn't on chemo tabs so I don't know the effect they will have but I hope this has helped a bit.  Do take care Chris and don't overdo it.

    Love Battling Babe x

  • Hi Chris I'm Also Kris and also have eosophageal cancer that has now spread to both my lungs. Chemo is horrible but after about a week you do start to feel stronger, let's hope it keeps it at bay for as long as possible for you. It's horrific to mentally get your head around and then having chemo on top is terrible, but we have to stay strong and keep fighting not just for us but our loved ones. Do you have good support? Could I also ask how old you are Chris? Please ask me anything and I hope you start feeling better soon. Take care and keep in touch Kx