Chest lump - Sternum into breast

So about a month ago I'd say, I started getting some chest pains over a lump on my chest (basically the right-hand side of my sternum, about cleavage area) which was tender if I pressed on it and was causing aching. It was quite a shallow lump, which sort of felt like a bit of protruding cartilage so I wasn't too worried about it, I just thought I'd get it checked out in case it was something that needed sorting. 

2 weeks ago tomorrow my GP examined it and said she felt that it was definitely a lump, firm but it moved a bit and she could feel it go down into my right breast so that she'd have to refer me to the breast clinic because it wasn't just my chest wall. She suspected it could be a lipoma maybe. 

So tomorrow I'll be chasing the breast clinic team since I haven't received any referral yet (and there's a 2 week wait) and the lump has noticeably grown. My mum who felt it two weeks ago felt it again today and said that it's definitely much more prominent and larger, and it's been causing back pain on that side now for over a week. 

From what I've read (I know that Google is a bad place to be searching when you're anxious, but I've had 2 weeks of it getting more uncomfortable and larger so it happens!), Lipomas tend to be slow growing, whereas malignant tumours grow quite quickly, so I'm hoping to get in ASAP but I'm obviously worried now. I've also had on and off swollen lymph nodes in my left armpit (other side to my lump) for about 4 years now, which I got Ultrasounded in January and they couldn't see anything. 

I'm a 25 year old female, so although cancer is still a fairly slim possibility, I know that there are cancers that are more common in my age range and that this could be - breast cancer, (non)/hodgkins lymphoma, chest wall cancer/sarcoma (which scares me the most because of the life expectancy!).


Has anyone has anything similar? Any suggestions? I'm hoping to get my referral soonish but don't know how long it'll take since I don't think it's an urgent referral. 

  • Hello KBram

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently found a lump which has led to your GP referring you to the hospital. 

    It's often an anxious time waiting for appointments and tests and it's understandable that you may turn to the internet looking for answers. Unfortunately, as you've found already most of the time you will end up with an answer that leaves you feeling more anxious than you did before. It might help to keep in mind that the majority of people referred to breast clinic do not go on to be diagnosed with cancer. 

    Hopefully, you won't have to wait too long for your appointment but if in the meantime you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses you're most welcome to give them a call. They're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi

    Did you find out what this was please?

  • Hey, I had a chest x-ray and an ultrasound done which basically concluded it was a protruding cartilage/bone I think! It's still there and prominent and still a bit uncomfortable but apparently it doesn't appear to be anything serious or worrying!