chemotherapy tomorrow but may be postponed

Hi everyone 

Im not sure if my second chemotherapy session will go ahead tomorrow. I have a seroma under my right arm,its been drained once around 3/4weeks ago. But its never really gone away, scince my first chemotherapy session 2 weeks ago ,its become hot,painfull and slightly more swollen. Ive had to take antibiotics for five days ,last one taken tonight. So tomorrow ive got to pop into tve breast clinic for them to

look  at it, and then go to chemotherapy unit where they are getting a doctor to look at it and if its seen to be still infected chemotherapy will have to be postponed.  Has anyone else on here had similar happen with a seroma,and if so how was the seroma treated whilst undergoing chemotherapy..


    Hi Jassoscared,

    I hope that your chemo can still go ahead tomorrow. I didn't have chemo, but I had to have seromas drained a few times.

    Fingers crossed for you.
    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Jolamine

    Hi Jolamine,my chemotherapy didnt go ahead as had to go to breast clinic, saw my surgeon  who organised a ultrasound and got a doctor to look at my seroma and  he aspirated it. He was able to get a small amount of fluids out,which will be testrd. My surgeon postponed my chemotherapy today, and put me on anither antibiotic for the rest of the week.


    Hi Jassoscared,

    I am sorry to hear that your chemo had to be cancelled today. Do you feel any better since your seroma was drained? I hope that this new antibiotic does the trick and, you are soon feeling better again.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Jolalmine

    Hi Jolamine ,thanks for your reply. Seroma is being looked at again tomorrow at breast clinic. Its still uncomfortable  and still a bit red,will have to see what thry say tomorrow.  My hair started falling out on friday ,and when I washed it sat it came out loads, i knew it was going to happen but the shock of it coming out still hits you hard.,ecspecialy the bald bits appearing as more falls out I couldnt stand it ànd by Monday id cut my long hair really short. Today although really short its still shedding  all over the place. Give it a couple of days and i may be brave enough to shave the lot off.Just can't bring myself to do that yet.Hope your keeping good xx