Chemo and sore throat

Day 11 after FEC Chemo and I still have raging sore throat and small white ulcers inside cheeks and gums. So painful, dry, dry mouth.  I've phoned Onco nurses and my GP but have only be advised mouthwashes and  salt rinses, I have various lozenges, iglu, nothing seems to work. Can't even take a paracetamol as my temp is often low. Need to source a toothpaste that doesn't sting. 

Feeling really down in the dumps with it as it's gone on for so long. I don't know how I'm going to get through another 3 cycles and I've read it's culmulative so could get worse. Really?

But I'm half way through so that's something, just need to feel better and will be able to cope.


Silver x 


  • Hey Silver

    Sorry to hear you are suffering. Do you have Benzydamine Hydrchloride mouthwash? The doctor gave me that one and I found it helped. I also found Sensodyne toothpaste was ok as long as using a soft headed toothbrush or soft head for my electric toothbrush was ok.

    Hope that helps.

    Ruth x

  • Ruth, I've been using the mouthwash Difflam and Cordosyl and various treatments, but nothing was working. I phoned the Onco nurses again and I now have a prescription for thrush finally. I was so pleased to get anti biotics , it really has been  very painful. Thank you for replying 


  • Day 2 of antibiotics but no sign of clearing up yet. Dissolvable Paracetamol has helped though. Can't eat or talk very well so hope it clears up soon. If it wasn't for the Corona virus I would have gone to hospital or surgery, but staying at home self medicating. My GP sent prescription to pharmacy. 

  • I hope the antibiotics kick in soon. Are you managing to keep your fluids up? X

  • Yes, I'm drinking as much as I can. Can only eat yoghurt and soft stuff. This chemo has been awful I've been unwell now for 9 days with these mouth ulcers. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon, I can't talk to any friends or family as it's too sore! Another sofa day. As long as my temperature stays normal I'll get through it.

    Thanks for all your replies out there, it does help, it makes one a bit selfish this cancer, sure there are people going through worse than me and at least I haven't got the Coronavirus, I hope!
    Silver x 


  • Hi bope this finds you feeling wife took a sore throat 6 days into her 1st chemo and its ended up with her in she could not swallow.   So was really dehidrated  she,s been on a drip for last few days and still sore throat .but staff really looking after   her wishes to you all

  • Hello Silver, 

    I have a sore, burning throat for the last few days.

    It's hard to know if it's a normal sore throat, a side effect of weekly Paxlitaxel, or, as I suspect, a result of those wretched long, Covid swabs they use to poke my tonils every week as a condition of entering hospital for chemo.

    Arrragh. Hope it doesn't get any worse.


  • Oh poor you, I remember being so unwell with chemo. I would keep phoning your Onco nurses and take their advice on medication. Anything to make it easier. I was given antibiotics for my sore throat and mouth. It may be your immune system needs a boost.  Hope you feel better soon. 