check ups during covid



Just wondering if anyone has managed to have follow up appointments during covid.  My partner has rang and been told no one is working at his hospital at the minute so unable to arrange anything.  He should have had at least one during the last 6 months and it's just a little unnerving for him.  He is 18 months post throat cancer.






  • Hi,

    Most hospitals are doing their check up appointments by telephone consultation. Only scans etc are still going ahead & some chemo treatments are being postponed if possible. I would try & ring again in a week or two & ask if a telephone consultation is at least an option. 


  • Hi Angie


    That's what I thought but trying to get throught to somene to even ask if that is going ahead is turning out to be a nightmare.  I rang the secretary's number this morning to be given several other numbers and unable to leave a message !  Rang one of the numbers constantly engaged and the other is one I tried last week who advised to try the secretary .  Just passed from pillar to post.


    Thank you and hope you are staying safe.


    Hi Gormo,

    If you cannot contact the consultant's secretary by phone, have you considered writing a letter? You could send it by recorded delivery, which shows that you are expecting a reply. It also means that they cannot deny that they got the letter.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • HI Jolamine


    I managed to get through on Wed and said they would ring back on Friday to arrange a telephone appontment , it didnt happen !  Will ring again today and hopefully they will have an appointment in place.  Otherwise that is something I might have to consider but only problem is not sure if anyone is working from the hospital but there must be someone checking mail etc.


    Thank you and take care xx