Cervix lesions

Hi there

I was wondering if anyone had some experience they could share or advice?

I have been having some irregular bleeding for about 6/7 months. With some lower back pain and more recently about 2 months some of that pain traveling down my right leg.


I am up to date with my smears with my next routine one due in December. But managed to get an appointment at the beginning of the week for some swobs by my gp

she found some lesions on my cervix and said they are most likely to blame for my bleeding, and when she did the internal exam it really hurt on my right side. 

she has referred my for a colposcopy which I am now waiting for an appointment for within the next two weeks

But of course my mind is now on overdrive anc have convinced myself of the worse case especially with the leg pain I am having.

I wondered though if anyone knew if having a visual on something not looking right (lesions) meant it's worse? I have never had a smear that's been an issue but I am worried that as she was able to visually see something that this means it's more advanced especially with the pain inside when she examined and my leg pain

Any thoughts would be great or if anyone has had similar?

thank you 

  • Hi LGee40

    Your post is a replica of what I'm going through now. It turn out that the lesions I had where polyps and I had them removed a few months ago and the difference it has made. Apparently the polyps do cause heavier bleeding and pain which I was experiencing for years also affected my hip and leg. 

    Try not to worry too much 

    Xx Linz 

  • thank you for your reply. Knowing there might be a different outcome certainly helps a bit. My mind is overdrive 

    thank you again 

    Laura x

  • Hello Laura and thanks for posting, 

    Having an up to date screening history is a good thing, unfortunately screening isn't perfect so it can't  guarantee that these symptoms and lesions have nothing to do with cervical cancer, but it does make it quite a bit less likely. I am glad to see that Linz was in a similar sort of situation which didn't turn out to be anything to worry about.

    A number of things can make the cervix look out of the ordinary for example inflammation, polyps and cysts so these lesions don't have to be caused by cancer, but they need to be properly assessed at colposcopy during which the cervix can be seen under strong magnification. Inevitably waiting for this to happen is unsettling, and it can be difficult to think of anything else. I think it is human nature for our minds to 'work a problem' when we feel it might be a threat, but we often end up going around in fretful circles. If you can, try and distract your thinking - a lot of people cope this way, and stay busy,  some say exercise can help. We usually advise against looking for answers on Google as it tends not to help much.

    I hope your appointment comes through soon, try and keep an open mind for now. 

    All the best, 


  • Finally had my letter and have an appointment on Monday.. it doesn't mention a colposcopy though just that I have an appointment in the gynaecologist department.

    I assume though that I will be having one as my doc has referred me after doing an initial examination? 

    keep busy until Monday.... 


  • How did you get on with your appointment?
