Cervical Inflammation!

Hi, so I had a smear in 2019 and it came back as HPV but no changes then again in 2020 with HPV and no changes.  Sex is slightly painful for me, but on entrance, no pelvic pain.  I've had bleeding in the last year but after a talk with the nurse she seems to think its because of my pill but if it carries on, to call the doctor.  Anyway, I had a smear today and she said that my cervix looks inflamed!  I'm scared, because of the bleeding etc and this isn't what I wanted to hear .  Unsure if it could be just because of HPV or something else? 

Since having the covid jabs I've had problems. For reference. Anyone else had cervical Inflammation? 


  • Hi Hanzt11,

    I'm not sure if you were given information following your smear regarding any next steps, or whether there were any concerns. Either way, it would be best to discuss any questions you have with your doctor as they will always be best placed to advise.

    In the meantime if you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday, 9-5).

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator