Cervical Cancer Worry

Hi everyone,

I'm 27 and over the last 5 months or so I've had an issue with abnormal bleeding/brown discharge in between periods and sometimes after sex. I had put this down to stress until recently as I've had a lot going on with buying a house etc. I came off my pill at the beginning of last year as I didn't like the side effects from it and was making me miss periods but since I've came off it I've also had heavy periods and severe cramps - my cycle is also quite irregular. 
I went for my routine smear test last month and bled quite a lot during this and nurse commented that my cervix looked quite red and said I possibly have a cervical ectropion. I was half expecting my results to come back abnormal but they were fine (have always had normal results previously as well).

I finally decided to speak to my GP last week and today she seen me and carried out an exam and took some swabs. She had to get another GP in to have a look at my cervix and they advised that I have what looks like a blood blister on my cervix? She found this strange as only one small part of my cervix is affected and normally with an ectropion it affects a larger area. I've also read that ectropions are normally hormone related and I'm not on any contraceptives that could be the cause of this.
I've been referred for a colposcopy but they've gave me a routine referral which may take months as my GP doesn't think it's cancer as I've recently had a normal smear result.. but I know they can sometimes be wrong?

I'm now panicking thinking that I have cervical cancer due to the symptoms even though my GP told me not to worry (I've also recently had some ovary and back pain over the last few weeks, just small sharp twinges every now and then).

Am I worrying for no reason and should I just wait for the appointment to come through? Just concerned it gets worse in the amount of time it takes for me to seen. Wondering if anyone has went through anything similar? 
Thanks xxx

  • Hi Kayleigh1994x,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear of the difficulties you've been experiencing and I can understand this must be unsettling. You've done all the right things in terms of getting this checked out and it's good to hear that you have a referral as hopefully this will mean you get some answers before too long. I understand that any waiting is difficult - try to focus on the fact that the doctor didn't seem too concerned.

    However if you continue to worry, or if you feel you'd like to talk things through, you can reach our nurses on 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday, 9-5) and they may be able to offer some thoughts or advice.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator