Cervical cancer symptoms

My symptoms started last year when my period cycles was going 80-90 days my son was a year old and got told it could of been due to that. My cycles have come down to 36-40 days now which is good. I was trying to convince the last 6 months and no luck but the past few months I have been getting pain after sex, bleeding after sex sometimes and getting spotting in between my periods which Varys from light pink to red and can be watery or thick. I had a check up nearly two weeks ago and dr said she saw a 'sore' area on my cervix and because of my family history of cc and my symptoms I have been reffered to gynaecology. I am waiting for my appoitment but worried sick. Could anyone help me if they have had any similar symptoms please xx

  • Hi Leah

    I'm sorry to see how worried you are, but completely understand where you’re coming from with the symptoms you’re having. What I’d like to say first is that there isn’t a genetic link for cervical cancer that I have ever been aware of. I understand there can be a link in terms of how we deal with HPV however.

    A “sore” area on your cervix could be a cervical ectropian, which is not cancer. It’s an area where the cells from inside the cervix  grow on the outside and can appear red and bleed on contact. So it could be that.

    But the thing is, until you are seen by the gynaecologist you won’t know. The symptoms could relate to cancer, but could equally relate to something else. I’ve had cervical cancer, so know quite a bit about it and see a lot of fear from ladies. I really hope that your referral gives you a positive answer which is not cancer. xx

  • Thankyou so muxh!!! I just keep reading things and it's driving me insane waiting I always think the worse I've always been like it:( Thankyou tho lovely I hope your okay xx

  • Please don’t read google...it will drive you insane and frighten you so much with irrelevant information which won’t apply to you. Trust in the drs to assess what’s wrong-google cannot diagnose you. xx