Cervical Cancer Age 19 HELP


Any help would be appreciated immensely.

So for the past 10 months I have been bleeding after sex, swollen and in immense pain following sex for the next 24 hours, I've always had watery or thick discharge present also, more watery after sex, and a lot of it.

I have been to the GP an unbelievable amount of times and I am sick of the sight of the place.

I have been tested for all the STI's and infections under the sun and of course, everything always comes back negative.

In July this year one GP suggested I had a Cervical Erosion and referred me to gyno.

The gynocologist did not mess about and I was in and out within 10 minutes. He checked and told me I did have a VERY small cervical erosion which he then treated with silver nitrate. But I just don't understand how something noted as so small was causing me so much pain after sex.

Following from that. I am now in an absolute state. I went back GP around a month ago, telling her that absolutely nothing had changed and only got worse. When looking after sex (sorry if TMI) i appear very very swollen, bleeding A LOT and can barely walk for a couple of hours, so i haven't had sex for 3 weeks. My GP done BV and thrush swabs which came back negative and she sent me away as usual! I went back to GP, this time a different doctor saw me as my usual was away. She looked and decided to diagnose me with Lichen Sclerosis. I mean, I honestly wanted to laugh in her face. I googled symptoms and pictures following appointment and my vagina is no way like these pictures. I do not have itching either which is the main symptom for LS?! I only swell after sex and I have no areas of skin that are even the slightest bit odd looking. Anyway, I am now experience spotting every few days, brown stained discharge also, lower back pain, swollen lymph nodes on left side and frequent urination. I done a UTI strip test and was negative.

I have booked an appointment with GP for next week but I am worried she will refuse to do a smear test due to my age? But I refuse to be sent away as I cry nearly every night with worry and I am just not myself anymore. 


  • Hello there

    Welcome to the forum, hopefully someone here will be able to give you far more information than me but I just thought a few comforting words might be helpful.  First, from what you've described of your symptons you are far more likely to have something like PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) or Chlamydia than cervical cancer.  Has anyone mentioned PID to you?  I've just had a quick look at the NHS website and it says "in rare instances, bleeding after sex can be a sign of cervical or vaginal cancer." So take some comfort from that, here's the link I was looking at


    Second, whatever you do, keep going back to the GP and don't give up.  You know your body better than anyone else so if something isn't right then you must keep plugging away.  Why don't you tell the GP what you want to happen and see what she/he says?  Ask them to explain why you can't have a specific test.  If they diagnose something you are not happy with ask them why they have diagnosed it?  I think in too many cases we accept what GPs are saying without understanding why.  It's fne to question.

    Next, please, please stay off websites that are not mainstream, stick to NHS, Cancer Research or MacMillian sites.  Trawling through the net in a quest to find answers will just send you potty, as I'm sure almost everyone on this website will tell you.

    Finally, be kind to yourself.  Try not to get too far ahead of yourself.... don't worry about something that quite possibly won't happen.

    Take care and try to get a good nights sleep

    SR x

  • Hello, Thanks for your reply but I have been tested for chlamydia along with gonnorhea, BV and Thrush. All came back negative. I've been tested quite a few times actually even though I have told my GP I have had the same partner for nearly 2 years lol I did mention PID to my GP and she said it was very unlikely, I will bring this up at my appointment as well as beg for a smear test even though I know she might refuse.. Thanks for your kind words, I just want nothing more but to get to the bottom of this!! Xx
  • Oh and if this is anything else to add, I had an ultrasound in August and everything came back fine.

  • Hey

    All these tests are really great. They are ticking things off the list. If your GP didn’t think it was pelvic inflammatory disease but you are still getting symptoms  and everything else is coming back negative then surely its worth being tested for it.  So do mention it to your GP again. 

     I truly hope you get to the bottom of it and you let us know how you get on. 

     Now, try and switch off, literally, and get some rest. 

    Sweet dreams




  • Hello, 

    I’m not an expert in cancer but I would say you know your body better than anyone else and to keep pushing until you know what’s wrong. May be an idea if you can afford to pay for a private smear test, there around £200, I’ve looked into them as my mom had cervical cancer and as I’m only 21 I’d like checks before I’m 25 just to be on the safe side. Maybe then you can get it checked quicker and put the worrying to rest about the cancer issue. 


    hopefully you get sorted ASAP 


  • hi 


    I know this post is old but did you ever find out what was causing your symptoms??? I’ve got very similar and would really help me to know if you ever got a proper diagnosis 
